Is PCT needed for blast and cruise? And other questions

Jefferey Turdel

New Member
So I’m on doctor prescribed TRT and I’m about to start a TEST e/Deca/Dbol stack when I gather enough information. Would I need to worry about pct at all? Also what meds should I take during cycle?
You should educate yourself enough on such things before even starting TRT. You have a lot of reading to do. Plenty of information available on the internet and in this section of Meso. Good luck.

You should educate yourself enough on such things before even starting TRT. You have a lot of reading to do. Plenty of information available on the internet and in this section of Meso. Good luck.

Thank you for the information, yes I agree about educating myself more. Although the TRT is done under the supervision of a doctor and he has been interpreting my blood tests and giving guidance so there has been no need until now to familiarize myself with a deep understanding. But now that I actually want to do a cycle the need for understanding has increased. Thanks for the links
there has been no need until now to familiarize myself with a deep understanding.

This is a poor mind set to have. Be a part of your health and not just along for the ride where ever the stranger wants to take you. It’s YOUR health.

You don’t have to be a wizard, very easy to get a basic understanding.
Thank you for the information, yes I agree about educating myself more. Although the TRT is done under the supervision of a doctor and he has been interpreting my blood tests and giving guidance so there has been no need until now to familiarize myself with a deep understanding. But now that I actually want to do a cycle the need for understanding has increased. Thanks for the links
Not only that, but here’s another spoiler: these TRT clinics don’t give two fucks about their patients’ long term health and whether they fuck their patients up on TRT. Why? Because the patients are simply replaceable if they end up with a heart attack or stroke and die or have to then come off trt. In addition, many docs and midlevel providers have a poor knowledge base regarding TRT or juicing of any kind. Lastly, these TRT clinics price gouge like crazy just for mere legal access to pharm grade test

So I would recommend you do take charge
Not only that, but here’s another spoiler: these TRT clinics don’t give two fucks about their patients’ long term health and whether they fuck their patients up on TRT. Why? Because the patients are simply replaceable if they end up with a heart attack or stroke and die or have to then come off trt. In addition, many docs and midlevel providers have a poor knowledge base regarding TRT or juicing of any kind. Lastly, these TRT clinics price gouge like crazy just for mere legal access to pharm grade test

So I would recommend you do take charge
Thank you. That put some shit into perspective for sure. I had a suspicion that I was just a cash cow for them. I’m a naive person at times. Appreciate the honest feedback from you gents.