Is PCT needed if on TRT?


New Member
I am about to start my third cycle, but this will be my first cycle since I was prescribed TRT. My TRT is 200MG of Cyp eow. I want to know if I should still do the PCT after my cycle, or just jump back into the TRT. My cycle consists of 250MG Sust. e3d and 200MG of EQ e3d, with 40mg dbol ed for weeks 1-4 and adex at .25mg eod for entire cycle. For PCT I have Clomid and Nolvadex on hand.
Age: 35
HT: 5-10
Wgt: 200
Just keep pinning your TRT dose through your cycle. Then when cycle ends you will go back to baseline Test. Its really that simple...may need to keep up the AI for several weeks after the last Pin b/c you aren't using Nolva or any other SERM.
no you will not, low dose test its only going to roll the clock back so you feel like you did when you where younger. More stamina, sex drive and a good sense of well being. but over time you will need something for the estrogen build up. If your with a doctor they will check your baseline estrogen levels and keep a eye on them. and prescribe you what you need. you will be fine just ask allot of questions with the doc. but if your going to run a full cycle like the one outlined than yes you will
Just keep pinning your TRT dose through your cycle. Then when cycle ends you will go back to baseline Test. Its really that simple...may need to keep up the AI for several weeks after the last Pin b/c you aren't using Nolva or any other SERM.

I would'nt do this, go with what TEK said, just a personal opinion. It would be like doing an extra shot every week. I would always agree with keeping a SERM on hand. The timing he speaks of is starting back up with Cyp to coinside when it starts and when the sust is waning. For the record Sust is the dumbest thing ever. Great marketing though, got me to run sust my first few cycles until I learned more. WOW! FOUR DIFFERENT ESTERS OF TEST, AWESOME! :confused:
I really don't understand why anyone would STOP taking a trt dose of test Cyp that's Every Other Week lol. This way his base is still there after he comes off the Sust and EQ. BTW OP how long u running EQ? I'd at least pick back up pinning the Cyp 4 weeks before last pin...since that would be only 2 extra pins.
I really don't understand why anyone would STOP taking a trt dose of test Cyp that's Every Other Week lol. This way his base is still there after he comes off the Sust and EQ. BTW OP how long u running EQ? I'd at least pick back up pinning the Cyp 4 weeks before last pin...since that would be only 2 extra pins.
I am running the EQ only ten weeks, because that's all I have enough for. Would like to do 16 but my guy ran out and will not be getting more.
10 weeks is not even close to enough time for eq imo. You will only start to see some gains from it.