Is this the right blood test? How to get low blood readings TRT


New Member
Sorry for the long story ----- New to blood work and don't have a clue (Yes, I am a freaking idiot for being on gear for 10+ years and never having proper blood work done, only 1-2 blasts per year, never cruised. Had bloods once at the Drs and a few times when I have been in for STI checks, they do my liver, kidneys and HDL/LDL etc. which have been fine).

My aim is to get on TRT, but I am currently on a cycle 800mgs T400 (M/T with Adex). These stats are for those interested > Almost 29yo 5"10 and 102kg/224lbs, decent size. I am extra bloated at the mo because of all the partying so on average about 95kg/209lbs.

I feel extremely unhealthy as I have been staying with a little cheeka fuck buddy for the last two weeks. I work all day then we party drink all night, eat shit then I end up taking Adderall and 4 sugar free Monster energy's to stay awake at work due to lack of sleep from the all nighters. So, the TRT company offer several blood packages. However, I want to do a big daddy blood test now on as many markers as possible whilst I am in this unhealthy state on 800mgs test, so that I have something for the record and to see how good or bad my health is in a state like this. (That big daddy test is listed below). I wanted to know if there are other companies in the UK that test even more blood markers, or is the list below sufficient enough for knowing as much as possible without having heart scans etc?

Final question - How long should I wait after my last jab of T400 to get the blood test to qualify for the TRT? Is there an optimum time where your levels are the lowest? Can I do anything to temporarily crash it even further when I take the TRT blood test? Logic would state that when the half life has fully eliminated from the T Cyp or T En (I can't remember if it has Cyp), but the one time I did get my bloods done at the Drs last year, I had slightly high test levels even after being off cycle for 5-6 weeks.(No, this defo was not my natural test having rebounded perfectly as the levels were too high and who rebounds that quick - also did no PCT) So god knows why they were elevated.

How long should I wait to be at my lowest and can I do anything at that point to crash it even more, I've heard you can do stuff to manipulate the reading.

Then Adderall is probably the reason I wrote this essay, apologies. Looking forward to the roastings, negative comments and the useful ones ;):cool:

This is the big daddy test - Not the same test for when I try for TRT.
Our Enhanced Testosterone Blood Test kit checks for 43 biomarkers including:
  • Total Testosterone
  • Free Testosterone
  • Oestradiol
  • SHBG
  • PSA
  • LH
  • FSH
  • Prolactin
  • Albumin
  • TSH
  • Free T4
  • Full Blood Count including Haemoglobin & Haematocrit
  • Lipids including Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides
  • Liver function tests
  • Kidney (Renal) function tests (Urea, Creatinine, eGFR)
  • Ferritin
  • Cortisol
  • HbA1c
being on gear for 10+ years and never having proper blood work done, only 1-2 blasts per year, never cruised
I am confused...

You don't cruise...

You do 2 cycles/blasts per year...

And have been doing this since you were 19(10 years)...

So you've PCT'd...>/=20 times...?¿
(That sounds fucked if true btw)

Yet you haven't once gotten labs to confirm recovery...(?¿)...only to confirm STI's...that makes no fucking sense at all...

Either you're a complete fucking idiot-
Or you have been B&C-ing for 10 years, contrary to your original statement.

**Edit: Excuse my language- I just can't wrap my head around that type of negligence in regard to one's own health. + In order to answer your question one would have to know what you're referring to as T400?

You don't exactly say what it is...but you said you "can't remember if it has cyp in it" are we talking about Sust? Or some other weird test blend?

Because more often than not, UGL's formulate their test blend as follows-
Testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate

So it's the decanoate ester elimination that needs to be accounted for**
Last edited:
This is the list I give everyone. My Trt doctor does worry about all that but. Just testosterone , free testosterone , SHBG ,E2 , blood panel for Hemoglobin and red blood count.
Take your own Health into your hands. I have had arguments with doctors because I have been low in vitamin D.
Doctors don’t want to help you if you start showing you know what’s happening

Total Testosterone

Free Testosterone











25 hydroxy vit D

Fasting glucose

Fasting insulin

Fasting cortisol


Liver Panel


Kidney Panel




PSA if over 40
Give it 4 weeks after last pin then have bloods. Best cutting back to 100 to 150mg a week for a few weeks before going off completely. If you really want to tank your testosterone levels you can take anavar for 4 weeks but that’s going to make you feel shit. Read about using TrenA at 50mg a day until you finish a 10ml vial.
Interested to see if your health markers are fucked or decent considering it sounds like you live a yolo lifestyle especially with all nighters, addy, downing monsters. Any rec drugs thrown in?

Also worth clarifying what on gear for 10 years, 1-2 blasts per year with no cruise means. is that permanent blasting 10 years straight? Or 1-2 cycles per year then just pct or come off everything in between?
Use steroid calculator dot com. Usually about 10 days no injections you will be low on that dose. I good trt clinic won't make you come off to qualify.
I am confused...

You don't cruise...

You do 2 cycles/blasts per year...

And have been doing this since you were 19(10 years)...

So you've PCT'd...>/=20 times...?¿
(That sounds fucked if true btw)

Yet you haven't once gotten labs to confirm recovery...(?¿)...only to confirm STI's...that makes no fucking sense at all...

Either you're a complete fucking idiot-
Or you have been B&C-ing for 10 years, contrary to your original statement.

**Edit: Excuse my language- I just can't wrap my head around that type of negligence in regard to one's own health. + In order to answer your question one would have to know what you're referring to as T400?

You don't exactly say what it is...but you said you "can't remember if it has cyp in it" are we talking about Sust? Or some other weird test blend?

Because more often than not, UGL's formulate their test blend as follows-
Testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate

So it's the decanoate ester elimination that needs to be accounted for**
You are right. Too much half ass information here to know if this is right or even factual.
I am confused...

You don't cruise...

You do 2 cycles/blasts per year...

And have been doing this since you were 19(10 years)...

So you've PCT'd...>/=20 times...?¿
(That sounds fucked if true btw)

Yet you haven't once gotten labs to confirm recovery...(?¿)...only to confirm STI's...that makes no fucking sense at all...

Either you're a complete fucking idiot-
Or you have been B&C-ing for 10 years, contrary to your original statement.

**Edit: Excuse my language- I just can't wrap my head around that type of negligence in regard to one's own health. + In order to answer your question one would have to know what you're referring to as T400?

You don't exactly say what it is...but you said you "can't remember if it has cyp in it" are we talking about Sust? Or some other weird test blend?

Because more often than not, UGL's formulate their test blend as follows-
Testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate

So it's the decanoate ester elimination that needs to be accounted for**
Oh yeah, I have been properly reckless and a complete fucking idiot through ignorance. Hence starting to see sense and making an effort to get bloods done regularly and check I'm okay good.

T400 - Test 400. A vial of pre blended esters equating to 400mg per ml. Usually, consisting of several fast and slow esters. Test prop, test en and Test cyp etc, and others like you have mentioned above. Although, I have had test 400 before without test cyp (meaning it is obviously going to take longer to get out of my system than En). I assumed T400 was commonplace. So, my question about how long after the last jab containing cyp or en, was aimed at seeking some advice for some rough estimates for both being completely gone. I checked last night and it does have test a long ass half life :(

Yeah, I get tested for STI's but the clinic just so happen to do pretty in-depth blood work. I don't go to the clinic for an STI check with the intention of finding out if I am healthy from gear use FYI. I looked last night and I did have my liver and kidneys done twice when starting a new medication one last year and once the year before. I was on cycle at the time and the results were in the high end of normal.

So the Decanoate means maybe circa 2 months before it is fully eliminated???
This is the list I give everyone. My Trt doctor does worry about all that but. Just testosterone , free testosterone , SHBG ,E2 , blood panel for Hemoglobin and red blood count.
Take your own Health into your hands. I have had arguments with doctors because I have been low in vitamin D.
Doctors don’t want to help you if you start showing you know what’s happening

Total Testosterone

Free Testosterone











25 hydroxy vit D

Fasting glucose

Fasting insulin

Fasting cortisol


Liver Panel


Kidney Panel




PSA if over 40

Cheers bro! I'll add them to the list.

How frequently do you have this full list done out of interest? I only ask as I am uneducated in this area and didn't know whether this full list is like a yearly thing, whilst having the smaller TRT check list done every 3 months or something?
Give it 4 weeks after last pin then have bloods. Best cutting back to 100 to 150mg a week for a few weeks before going off completely. If you really want to tank your testosterone levels you can take anavar for 4 weeks but that’s going to make you feel shit. Read about using TrenA at 50mg a day until you finish a 10ml vial.
Appreciate the advice, cheers!
Cheers bro! I'll add them to the list.

How frequently do you have this full list done out of interest? I only ask as I am uneducated in this area and didn't know whether this full list is like a yearly thing, whilst having the smaller TRT check list done every 3 months or something?
I try for once a year. Normally I go in at start of year and ask my doctor for bloods. It’s free once a year and testosterone blooods twice a year. Most doctors don’t want to test E2 because it’s a female hormone. The arguments I have are funny. But I’m on doctor proscribed trt so I don’t need to worry about bloods much as I have to have them done twice a year to get a script.
I have a link for American and Australian blood test service that you can order what you want but you have to pay.
Interested to see if your health markers are fucked or decent considering it sounds like you live a yolo lifestyle especially with all nighters, addy, downing monsters. Any rec drugs thrown in?

Also worth clarifying what on gear for 10 years, 1-2 blasts per year with no cruise means. is that permanent blasting 10 years straight? Or 1-2 cycles per year then just pct or come off everything in between?
So, I always spend a minimum of 6-7 months of the year natty off of all gear. If I am going on holiday/vacation or festivals etc, I'll do 6 months straight and start around march and just stay on a lowish dose around 400-600 Test for the first 3 months. Then, the first half of the last 3 months I'll add in a bit of tren ace 200-400mg for 6 weeks, usually a month before peak summer or a vacation. Then I drop the Tren a few days before I go on vacation and just do the remainder at a lower dose of 300-400 test as I usually maintain the mass at 300mgs.

Or if I don't have a busy summer, I'll blast of 6-800mgs test for 3 months around summer. Then, another blast during the winter anywhere from 400-800mgs of test, usually 400 as I can pack on some serious size on just 400 and I get too big for my own preference

I usually don't do proper PCT's. Nolva for maybe a month about 2 weeks after the last jab. I don't really crash that hard. Only when I use big amount of Tren do I crash. The only negative sides I get are my libido drops for about a month or two. But I can still get it up and do the deed if I have to.

Yeah when I get the blood results I'll happily show them.

Tbf, I have only been partying hard for the last two weeks. However, previous to the two week bender I had been drinking 3-4 strong beers a night for a maybe 4 times a week for a good 3 months... kinda fell down a rabbit hole and getting rid of all the bad shit.
So, I always spend a minimum of 6-7 months of the year natty off of all gear. If I am going on holiday/vacation or festivals etc, I'll do 6 months straight and start around march and just stay on a lowish dose around 400-600 Test for the first 3 months. Then, the first half of the last 3 months I'll add in a bit of tren ace 200-400mg for 6 weeks, usually a month before peak summer or a vacation. Then I drop the Tren a few days before I go on vacation and just do the remainder at a lower dose of 300-400 test as I usually maintain the mass at 300mgs.

Or if I don't have a busy summer, I'll blast of 6-800mgs test for 3 months around summer. Then, another blast during the winter anywhere from 400-800mgs of test, usually 400 as I can pack on some serious size on just 400 and I get too big for my own preference

I usually don't do proper PCT's. Nolva for maybe a month about 2 weeks after the last jab. I don't really crash that hard. Only when I use big amount of Tren do I crash. The only negative sides I get are my libido drops for about a month or two. But I can still get it up and do the deed if I have to.

Yeah when I get the blood results I'll happily show them.

Tbf, I have only been partying hard for the last two weeks. However, previous to the two week bender I had been drinking 3-4 strong beers a night for a maybe 4 times a week for a good 3 months... kinda fell down a rabbit hole and getting rid of all the bad shit.
Thats interesting you just come off everything but hey if you feel fine and libido isnt too bad then I suppose it works of you.

How come you are opposed to running just even a baby dose of test instead of coming off completely? Even 100mg of test e or u once a week would keep you levels normal rather than crashing all the way down.
Thats interesting you just come off everything but hey if you feel fine and libido isnt too bad then I suppose it works of you.

How come you are opposed to running just even a baby dose of test instead of coming off completely? Even 100mg of test e or u once a week would keep you levels normal rather than crashing all the way down.
I think it is purely as I have never really had any major sides from coming off completely. However, I think when I am off now I do suffer a little. Brain fog creeps in and my libido is at a point where I need to actively think about sex to get in the mood. I can't think a bonar up, I have to manually get it up. Everything still works fine, but I think when I am off, I do need to run some like TRT or even 100mgs per week.