Hello, I am a 6'2" 235 lb. 28 year old male hovering around 20% - 28% body fat. At 18 years old after high school I was a sedentary 310 lbs. I started Jiu-Jitsu/Kickboxing after I graduated and dropped down to around 210 lbs. in a little over a year. I ended up getting an infection and dropped down to 165 lbs. That was around 6 years ago and I have gained some of my muscle back since then. However I have been in a steady state of depression and aimlessness for years now. After a lot of talk about TRT, and HRT in MMA I decided to get my blood work done since I haven't had sex in about 6 years with zero interest, and I can't remember the last time I had morning wood. Despite being involved in Martial Arts for a large portion of my life with on and off lifting I have never been musculature at all.
I am going to post the results, my doctor thought my symptoms exhibited low testosterone but my results fell into the normal range. I eat rather well, and I don't drink but maybe once a month. I get plenty of sleep, etc. so I was looking for some advice on how to correct what I feel is a possible imbalance. I have looked into Androgel, subcutaneous injections, and intramuscular injections. I am only consulting with a PCP and not an Endocrinologist at the moment. I am willing to get more blood work done if the information provided isn't adequate.
I will try and only include pertinent test results, but if I left anything out let me know and I will reply as soon as I can. Also all of this blood was taken in the morning on an empty stomach after a 12 hour fast. Thanks for your time!
Luteinizing Hormone: 8.2 MIU/ML (Normal 1.2 - 7.8)
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone: 2.6 PG/ML (Normal 4.0-8.0)
Metabolic Panel
Glucose: 100 MG/DL (Normal 65 - 100)
Sodium: 140 MEQ/L (Normal 133-146)
Protein, Total: 6.6 G/DL (Normal 6.0 - 8.4)
Calculated Globulin: 2.2 G/DL (Normal 2.0 - 3.8)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: 1.7 UIU/ML (Normal 0.5 - 4.7)
Hemoglobin: 15.0 G/DL (Normal 13.0 - 17.0)
Hematocrit: 44.2% (Normal 37.0 -49.0)
Neutrophils: 42% (Normal 40 - 74)
Lymphocytes: 45% (Normal 19-48)
Platelet Count: 247 K/UL (Normal 130-400)
Free T3: 3.3 PG/ML (Normal 2.3 - 4.2)
Lipid Panel
Cholesterol: 171 MG/DL (Normal < 200)
Triglycerides: 36 MG/DL (Normal <150)
HDL Cholesterol: 50 MG/DL (Normal >39)
Calculated LDL Cholesterol: 114 MG/DL (Normal < 100)
Testosterone: 467 NG/DL (Normal 292 - 1052)
Calculated Free Testosterone: 6.6 NG/DL (Normal 4.8 - 25.0)
Free T4 Thyroxine: 1.42 NG/DL (Normal 0.73 - 1.95)
DHEA Sulfate: 376 UG/DL (Normal 240 - 549)
Estradiol: 38 MG/DL (Normal <= 63)
I am going to post the results, my doctor thought my symptoms exhibited low testosterone but my results fell into the normal range. I eat rather well, and I don't drink but maybe once a month. I get plenty of sleep, etc. so I was looking for some advice on how to correct what I feel is a possible imbalance. I have looked into Androgel, subcutaneous injections, and intramuscular injections. I am only consulting with a PCP and not an Endocrinologist at the moment. I am willing to get more blood work done if the information provided isn't adequate.
I will try and only include pertinent test results, but if I left anything out let me know and I will reply as soon as I can. Also all of this blood was taken in the morning on an empty stomach after a 12 hour fast. Thanks for your time!
Luteinizing Hormone: 8.2 MIU/ML (Normal 1.2 - 7.8)
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone: 2.6 PG/ML (Normal 4.0-8.0)
Metabolic Panel
Glucose: 100 MG/DL (Normal 65 - 100)
Sodium: 140 MEQ/L (Normal 133-146)
Protein, Total: 6.6 G/DL (Normal 6.0 - 8.4)
Calculated Globulin: 2.2 G/DL (Normal 2.0 - 3.8)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: 1.7 UIU/ML (Normal 0.5 - 4.7)
Hemoglobin: 15.0 G/DL (Normal 13.0 - 17.0)
Hematocrit: 44.2% (Normal 37.0 -49.0)
Neutrophils: 42% (Normal 40 - 74)
Lymphocytes: 45% (Normal 19-48)
Platelet Count: 247 K/UL (Normal 130-400)
Free T3: 3.3 PG/ML (Normal 2.3 - 4.2)
Lipid Panel
Cholesterol: 171 MG/DL (Normal < 200)
Triglycerides: 36 MG/DL (Normal <150)
HDL Cholesterol: 50 MG/DL (Normal >39)
Calculated LDL Cholesterol: 114 MG/DL (Normal < 100)
Testosterone: 467 NG/DL (Normal 292 - 1052)
Calculated Free Testosterone: 6.6 NG/DL (Normal 4.8 - 25.0)
Free T4 Thyroxine: 1.42 NG/DL (Normal 0.73 - 1.95)
DHEA Sulfate: 376 UG/DL (Normal 240 - 549)
Estradiol: 38 MG/DL (Normal <= 63)