Labmax, Oxa 50 Mg


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What this means? He do not correctly test or oxa total bunk?


  • Screenshot_2014-11-09-01-50-37.png
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You are not providing enough info to give a definitive answer. How much of the compound was used? How much time had elapsed before taking the picture?
I have never seen 50 mg anavar but if you say that you dropped 1/2 of 50 mg tab, the results are messed up.

I am sure that 25 mg of anavar will make the test very dark, black soon.
Yes oxa 50mg...
We thinking is winstrol not oxa thats why he do this test

Test say oxa yellow color...

Grey is Winston...


  • Screenshot_2014-11-09-17-43-34.png
    316.1 KB · Views: 23
You drop about 1 mg of grinded pill

if you dropped 1 mg and it is so dark it is dbol

winstrol will be more light brown

I have never tested 50 mg pill, it will be hard to divide into 50 parts

but it looks like you dropped a lot of powder inside, there is no way to tell what it is in this case.
thats a picture after 22 minutes anyway SO IT MEANS NOTHING. it clearly states, all over the place on their site, that 15 minutes is when you look at the results, if you wait longer it will start to look like a Dbol, not like Var at all... I fear for your safety man, you honestly never make sense, never have full information, and are just fishing for whatever answer you already have set in your mind... you're playing a very dangerous game.
thats a picture after 22 minutes anyway SO IT MEANS NOTHING. it clearly states, all over the place on their site, that 15 minutes is when you look at the results, if you wait longer it will start to look like a Dbol, not like Var at all... I fear for your safety man, you honestly never make sense, never have full information, and are just fishing for whatever answer you already have set in your mind... you're playing a very dangerous game.
This test do my frend ,he asking my what I thinking.... I newer used labmax thats why I posted on meso ..I know lab max is popular on this forum...
He was worry becouse he eat 100mg alredy 8 weeks..and have big pain in the joints, animal flex + 3g glucosamine does not help. He never had the problems

He do again test
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you just need to follow the instruction, labmax is tricky with some and you need some experience but is very easy with others. it took me a while to understand the test better.

anavar is easy to test there is very little color change if you follow the instruction, you have tons of pictures and movies on labmax site you just need a few minutes to go over the material