Libido and Sex Drive Issues Deca HELP !


New Member
[ Just a quick update before i started steroids my libido was fine i was getting morning wood random erections, being able to easily maintain 3 times a day my sex life was great now its shot ]

Hi there i am 21 years old and weigh about 231 lbs and i am having erection and libido issues i know i have made a big mess of my course but i wont be making the same mistake again.

I started my first ever after course being natural for 4 years, at the start of the year i was taking sust and deca as i was advised this was the best and now i feel it was a big mistake. Here is what i did for my course:

Week 1 -4: Sust 1ml Deca 1ml
Week 5 - 8 Sust 2ml Deca 2ml - Started to get libido problems so had to lower my Deca
Week 9 - 10 sust 3ml Deca 1ml
Week 10 - 12 sust 2ml Deca 0.5ml

I then exetended my course for a further 1 week to try out something i went on Tri-Tren and Testaviron

Week 13 - 14 Tri Tren 1ml Test 1ml

Now i know i did all this wrong and i should of researched it all first and had proper guidance.

I then came off a cold turkeyed for 2 weeks which was horrible and a big mistake i had a hormone meltdown and had no libido so i went on testorapid a prop just till i bought PCT, I taken Testorapid for 1 week 1ml every 3 days my sex drive come back and it was perfect again.

I then started my PCT:

HGC - For a week
Provibol 1 a day - i was told this will help labido
Letromina 1/2 a day - powerful estrogen killer

I taken this for about 2 weeks and suffered with labido problems the whole time for a while i couldnt get hard and had no sex drive so for me this was doing nothing so i decided to add Clomid to my PCT for week 3 so i had from week 3

Provibol 1 a day
Letromina 1/2 a day
Clomid 2 a day for 2 weeks then 1 a day till finished

During this PCT my erection did return however only 70% not fully erect and my libido was up and down i would go hard then soft i was having great issues maintaining and some days i wouldnt get hard at all.

After i finished my provibol which i ran put of first my erection function decreased for a few days so this must of helped me get a bit of an erection, it then eventually picked back up. I then finished my clomids and letromina and had a 4 days clean and i had massive issues again with my libido and sex drive. I then taken a week of Tamoxifen 1 a day just to kill any rebound estrogen.

I have now had nothing for a week and i had blood tests done on 15th September 2014 and they come back medically fine my results were:

Serum Testosterone: 15.2 nmol/L
Serum Oestradiol: < 100 pmol/L
Free Thyroxine: 8.0 pmol/L

I wanted some guidance why i am having libido issues ?, Is it the Deca in my system and why do i get hard the moment i inject testosterone into my body, but my natural test is not making my erections function well ?, Does anyone know anything i could take to help me or if i should do something or see someone for help ? I have a partner and it is effective our sex lie and we are hoping to have children.

you definitely need to do more research about PCT! I think your estrogen was to low during your so called PCT. to low of estrogen will ruin libido and your erection too. what was your estrogen reading from the blood tests?
you definitely need to do more research about PCT! I think your estrogen was to low during your so called PCT. to low of estrogen will ruin libido and your erection too. what was your estrogen reading from the blood tests?

Yeah i did learn that estrogen could affect libido so i did ease of the anti estrogen my result was normal it was Serum Oestradiol: < 100 pmol/L i havnt had any anti estrogen for a week so i have been clean for a week
your tests look normal from what I've read. what was your total Testosterone? I don't think the Deca is still effecting you. it is in your head if you are thinking that now. Deca is long gone from your system by now.
your tests look normal from what I've read. what was your total Testosterone? I don't think the Deca is still effecting you. it is in your head if you are thinking that now. Deca is long gone from your system by now.

Yeah my test is in the normal male range but i was told by a friend for an 80 year old man its normal. It may be in my head but if it is i don't know how to stop it :( I dont know my total test thats the only testosterone test they did, someone said i should of had my free test done as that needs to be high for libido
than they gave you bogus test results? I only know to look at free and total. you have neither? WTF! what kind of doctor did you go too? you might want to run a PCT Dr. Scally recommends doing, with Clomid and Nolv. do it the right way this time.
than they gave you bogus test results? I only know to look at free and total. you have neither? WTF! what kind of doctor did you go too? you might want to run a PCT Dr. Scally recommends doing, with Clomid and Nolv. do it the right way this time.

As in start a PCT now and do that even though Ive finished PCT, and this was off my GP it was a free test i never had to pay private so i couldn't get everything done
yes do a proper PCT. what you did earlier was just fuck around with your hormones and not get them to return to normal. research PCT and than if you think you did it right. than don't do another PCT. if you think you did it wrong than do a proper PCT. than you will know if you will recover right or not.
First off hcg should be used while on cycle, its not a in the pct protocol. Next time for pct run

Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

You're too young and don't know what you're doing. You can fuck yourself up doing what you did. Deca can be in your system for 18 months. And you're deca to test ratio was off.
First off hcg should be used while on cycle, its not a in the pct protocol. Next time for pct run

Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

You're too young and don't know what you're doing. You can fuck yourself up doing what you did. Deca can be in your system for 18 months. And you're deca to test ratio was off.

What do you recommend i should do ?, What should of the ratio of been, and do you think the damage has been done ?
He is in the UK, there tests are diff there - different units of measurement. I think his looks kinda normal for a young guy on that scale. I wanna say 8-26 is their range and he is at 15. I think you should STOP taking proviron and STOP taking letro.
anyone think prolactin could still be a factor in this? A small dose of caber may be of some help.
What do you recommend i should do ?, What should of the ratio of been, and do you think the damage has been done ?

You can do a 2:1 ratio. Next time you can run caber or prami and that should help too. Read up on Deca and any other substance you inject into your body. Taking a few minutes to read is alot better than what you're going through now. All this could have been avoided.

anyone think prolactin could still be a factor in this? A small dose of caber may be of some help.

Im sure this is exactly the problem here. Progesterone/prolactin
If you are in the UK go to a free steroid clinic to get proper blood tests or go private. There are several labs that provide all the necessary tests (medichecks, etc)..

I cant help you with PCT. For my course - which is a basic 12week 250mg sustanon e3d with test prop 100mg eod finisher for 4 weeks I will run 50/50/25/25 clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolva.

Good luck mate. If you need help for the free steroid clinics please let me know.
If you are in the UK go to a free steroid clinic to get proper blood tests or go private. There are several labs that provide all the necessary tests (medichecks, etc)..

I cant help you with PCT. For my course - which is a basic 12week 250mg sustanon e3d with test prop 100mg eod finisher for 4 weeks I will run 50/50/25/25 clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolva.

Good luck mate. If you need help for the free steroid clinics please let me know.

Thanks mate for the great support, thats what i will try and do, will get futher tests done and try and find the problem.