Long time, First time


New Member
Been educating myself in the UGL on Meso for a bit of time now, first time making an account. Researched my first cycle on Meso, 500mg test cyp, which I’m still on went from around 170 to pushing the end of the cycle right now at 200 and hopefully continuously heavier until I’m 250 full and round as fuck juiced to nines. Been looking into my second cycle for another bulk to throw some meat and tissue and level up my physique, open to any suggestions
To clarify, I meant a goal of 250 pounds through the next however many years. I do not expect to be 250 after my first cycle of test only lol, although a man can dream
To clarify, I meant a goal of 250 pounds through the next however many years. I do not expect to be 250 after my first cycle of test only lol, although a man can dream
Man your improvement is amazing! I'm going to start my first cycle (test) soon.
are you facing any issues so far?
Do you think can you just do 2 cycles in your life and just come off of the Steroids forever with NO issues and needs to any trt or gears?
Man your improvement is amazing! I'm going to start my first cycle (test) soon.
are you facing any issues so far?
Do you think can you just do 2 cycles in your life and just come off of the Steroids forever with NO issues and needs to any trt or gears?
Hey bro thanks for my first meso reply, I’m fucking fired up! To answer your first question, it was a pretty fucking sick first cycle, but I will say, like every other juice monster will tell you, your bound to face some sort of sides when you step into this realm. That is unless you are a one of a kind human, that being said I haven’t had any sides other than getting hit with some fuckin awful face and back acne and even a couple on the arms, other than that no issues, but acne for me is a big issue, it seems to have gone down a bit now that I’m just cruising on a lower dose of test cyp at 200 mg. I did forget to mention and recommend that I ran 250 iu’s of Hcg throughout the whole cycle to keep fertility in check. As for your second question I definitely plan on cycling more than two times in my lifetime I am 21 years old and yes everyone I know I’m young and should do this or that but I’ve done my research and my goal is to compete and aspire to earn my pro card. That being said I do believe you could do two cycles in your lifetime and not have to worry about trt, I don’t think you will have shut your system down for long enough to permanently damage it, it really all depends tho on what that cycle might entail, the duration, and just genetics. Thanks for the reply bro! Sorry if that’s a lot.