Long time lurker


Hello, 40 year old here, long time lurker, finally signed up and looking to give back.

Most of my blasting days are over and life is now more about maintenance, injury prevention, and quality of life.

I have 20 years or so of experience with gear, and 5 more on top of that where I was natty :)

Thank you, and I look forward to joining.


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MESO just add a subforum called "Performance Enhancement Over 40" where members can address any priority shifts or adaptations that come at this point in their lives:

It might be interesting to share your shifting motivations and goals with others in the same boat.
Good stuff.. Care to share some stats, current and maybe what you were at your peak
Thank you. 6’1, 40yo, 194 this am.

At peak in my late 20’s I was a 270lbs water buffalo. I have experience with almost every single AAS, although I generally kept doses smaller. Most blasts were under 750mg if wet, or 1 gram if mast or primo was involved.
MESO just add a subforum called "Performance Enhancement Over 40" where members can address any priority shifts or adaptations that come at this point in their lives:

It might be interesting to share your shifting motivations and goals with others in the same boat.
Thank you, that will be helpful to me!