Long time reader, new member


New Member
Male, Caucasian, 28 yrs old. 171cm

First time touching weights marking the beginning of my lifting journey was at a rather later age compared perhaps to most of the members here. It happened back when I was 23 yrs old. At that point in time although I did not have any lifting experience I was more or less actively participating in endurance sports, namely open-sea swimming, although more it was more like a hobby than anything else.

Fast forward to being 23yrs old and I decided it was time to see how my body would look like and perform while retaining more muscle mass. Through quite some reading following months of trial and error approach I figured out what is proper diet. Within approximately 2 years I managed to get down to ~12% body fat and my lifts at the time were in terms of body weight (approximately):

Bench press: 1x

OHP: 0.6x

Squat: 1.2x

Deadlift: 1.3x

Pull-ups: 15 reps at BW.

Not impressive by any means but it was a starting point for me.

Right at the end of that second year I did some extensive bloodwork due to some reason and at that point out I discovered that my total T was approximately 320 ng/dl. Which the doctors pointed out it was definitely on the lower end of the normal range for my age but not low enough to be considered hypogonadal (<350 ng/dl according to their range). Although it was recommended to do some additional testing at the time I never went through with it.

Fast forward a few years in the future, life happened, moved to a new country and separated from everything related to weightlifting. At that point reached an all-time low body weight of 63kg.

After that things took a turn for better. Fixed my schedule and as Covid happened I bought enough equipment to build a small home gym and allowed me to start lifting once again.

Fast forward to today, currently 75 in a cutting phase aiming to drop to 10-12% body fat before entering a maintaining phase once again. (Seriously lifting for a bit more than 1 year after the previous years long absence from lifting.)

Current lifts (5-rep sets in kg) are:

BP: 110

Squat 142.5

OHP: 70

Weighted chin-ups: 35

Currently eating about 2300 calories daily aiming for a weight loss of 0.2kg per week.

Thank you for reading thus far and I do welcome any questions or comments you may have.