Lose of sex drive

Will adding "Proviron" to my PCT help my recorder and my sex life while in PCT?

So you're going to add Proviron, a DHT analog AAS, to your PCT regimen bc your sex drive has diminished during PCT.

Sorry fella but bc TT levels are supraphysiologic while cycling, effective PCT mandates a MUCH LOWER TT level on a comparative basis and for that reason alone a suppressed appetite for sexual activity is the PRICE YOU PAY FOR CYCLING!

You can NOT use ANY AAS while undergoing PCT and that's why it's called POST CYCLE (AAS) THERAPY!

Did "they" not tell you this???? Let me suggest you cease all attempts at "cycling" until you know WTF you're doing!

Is any of this surprising considering your AGE OF TWENTY, HELL NO!!!
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So what would would you recommend for my PCT?

To some extent that depends upon: the number and type of AAS you have been cycling, in addition to their dose and duration.

I will also assume you have no pre-cycle labs to use as a baseline right?
No I don't have a pre-cycle lab. Also, I currently got some pharmacy grade clomid, would 50mg a day in the morning is enough or should I up the dosage?
No I don't have a pre-cycle lab. Also, I currently got some pharmacy grade clomid, would 50mg a day in the morning is enough or should I up the dosage?

Let me know when you're ready to answer those questions posed.
My cycle was

Test e 400mg aweek
EQ 600mg aweek
NPP 100mg eod only for the first 6 weeks
Aromasin 12.5 eod

Was a 2 month cycle
Goodness fella three AAS at age 20, damn!

Oh well, bc the half lives of these AAS vary considerably I would strongly suggest you obtain pre PCT labs OR wait at least 6 weeks after your last PIN before PCT is instituted.
This is critical bc PCT wont do squat if exogenous AAS remain on board!

Nonetheless in this instance I would agree the use of TWO SERMS may prove useful.
However bc the adverse effects of SERMS increase with an advancing dosage I would advise optimizing Clomid first followed by Tamoxifen.
Blood work ONE WEEK after your last pin will reveal nothing of import, unless of course it's all WNL, bc in that case feel assured the AAS you were cycling were ALL BUNK!