I would like to consult with you my case. I am looking for threating many years already. I will subscribe my history bellow. I would be glad for any help or ideas.
My stats:
Age: 24
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 76 Kg
My sympthoms: (I suffer from this from puberty)
1. Lethargy and low energy level (sometimes I have energy and sometimes I am really fatigued - excercising and good low fat diet helps very much in this)
2. Very fatigued after food (not just normal food comma)
2. Non agresitivy - I am really very non assertive. I am scared sometimes of people
3. Anxieties
4. Anemia symptoms
5. Can gaint muscles
6. Low libido
7. Coldness
8. Psoariasis on my face
9. Cold hands
My history:
Blood test 1 (2 years or more old) - Not any drugs - Measured in early morning
LH 2,5 U/L <1,2 - 8,6>
THS 3,32 mU/L <0,34 - 5,60>
Free T4 10,1 pmol/l <7,9 - 16,0>
Free T3 5,1 pmol/l <3,8 - 6,0 >
T4 total 90,01 nmol/l <78,00 - 157,00>
T3 total 1,68 nmol/l <1,34 - 2,73>
FSH 2,7 U/l <1,3 - 19,3>
Estradiol 130 pmol/l <0 - 173>
Prolaktin 408,7 mIU/l <56,0 - 278,0>
Testosteron 14,1 nmol/l <6,1 - 27,1>
SHBG 25,0 nmol/l <13,2 - 89,5>
FAI ( free androgen index ) 56,4 % <22,2 - 110,2>
Blood test 2 (2 years or more old) - Not any drugs - Measured in early morning
UREA = 6.7
BIL = 8.3
Prolactin=22.93 (ref. range is up to 15 doc sayed)
U-LEURO=2 (higher than range)
Blood test 3 - This blood test was done 3 hours after I woke up - Prolactin is now lowered
IGF-1 290 <265-410>
STH 0,03 <0-20>
SHBG 38.1 <12-75>
LH 2.26 <1,5-9,3>
FSH 2.43 <1.4-18.10>
Prolactin 12.04 <2.1-17.7>
Estradiol <0.09 <0.04-0.19>
Korizol 504 <118-618>
Testosterone 12.5 <5.4-30.4>
T4 - free 15.9 <11.5-22.7>
TSH 1.707 <0.5-4.9
ACTH 28.2 <10-60>
MRI results
According to my PRL levels doc did MRI of my pituitary. There was found small 2mm pituitary microadenomas. But doc said becouse of my hormones are in range it is no needed to deal with it.
My doctor suspected prolactinomas due to higher prolaction levels. In the second blood test prolactin was re-checked and was increased again. Than doctor did MRI where was found small 2mm microadenomas on pituitary. On the third blood test doctor said I should go on test at least 3 hours after I wake up. On this third blood test prolactin was in range (so prolactin is not my problem according to my doc.
Blood test 4 (no drugs in the body)
Na 141 <136-145>
K 4,1 <3,5-5,1>
CI 104 <98-107>
Ca 2,35 <2.15-2.55>
Mg 0.8 <0.66-1.07>
Cu 10.9 <12.4-20.6>
Zn 17.7 <7-23>
Glukosa 4.63 <3.33-5.59>
Fe 12 <10.6-28.3>
Blood test 5 (no drugs in the body)
Na 142 <137 - 146>
K 4,3 <3,8 - 5,0>
CI 100 <97 - 108>
Ca 2,57 <2,00 - 2,75>
Fosfor anorg. 1,07 <0,65 -1,61>
Iron 26,1 <7,2 - 29>
Copper 15,3 <10,99 - 21,98>
Zinc 23,3 <9,1 - 13,7>
Osmolality 292 <275 - 295>
Ferritin 134,6 <22 - 322>
Glucose 4,6 < 3,9 - 5,6>
Urea 5,8 <2,8 - 8>
Kreatinin 95 <44 - 110>
Liver function tests
Bilirubin total 17,6 <2 - 17>
ALT 0,51 <0,1 - 0,78>
AST 0,37 <0,1 - 0,72>
GGT 0,25 <0,14 - 0,84>
ALP 1,01 <0,66 - 2,2>
Albumin 50,6 <35 - 53>
Protein total 79,6 <65 - 85>
Cholesterol 4,66 <2,9 - 5>
Triacylglyceroly 0,78 <0,45 - 1,7>
Cholesterol HDL 1,44 <1 - 2,1>
Cholesterol LDL 2,87 <1,2 - 3>
IGF-I 342,9 <265 - 410>
STH 0,17 <0 - 20>
LH 1,41 <1,5 - 20>
FSH 2 <1,5-9,3>
Prolactin 16,59 <2,1 - 17,7>
Estradiol < 0,090 <0,04 - 0,19>
Progesteron 0,8 <0,9 - 3,9>
Cortizol 594 <118 - 618>
Testosteron 13,57 <5,4 - 30,4>
T3 total 1,45 <0,9 - 3>
T4 total 110,7 <60 - 150>
T4 Free 16,2 <11,5 - 22,7>
TSH 2,509 <0,5 - 4,9>
Anti Tg <15 <0,0 - 60>
Anti TPO 28 <0 - 60>
PSA 0,66 <0,0 - 1,4>
ACTH 40 <10 - 60>
Leukocyts 6,8 <4,1 - 10,2>
Erytocyts 5,44 <4,19 - 5,75>
Hemoglobin 164 <135 - 174>
Hematokrit 0,469 <0,390 - 0,510>
Blood test 6 (no drugs used - test was done at 3.2.2014)
Vit. B12 413 <141-489>
TSH 1,29 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 Free 16,5 <12 - 22>
FT3 Free 4,9 <3,1 - 6,8>
FSH 3,8 < 0 - 12,4>
LH 4,1 <1,7 - 8,6>
Estradiol 49,4 <28 -156>
Prolactin 10,79 <4,04 - 15,2>
Testosteron Total 15,25 <8,64 - 29>
Kortizol 292,6 <171 - 536>
MRI of my pituitary was done again and with no change. Still is there 2 mm microadenom.
Anastrozole experiment
At 6.2.2014 (February 6 2014)
I started using Anastrozole at dosing of 0,20 Mg / twice a week. My goal was to improve the testosterone and estradiol ratio, to boost LH, FSH and Testosterone levels .
At 17.3.2014 (March 17 2014)
Anastrozole dose: 0,2 MG / twice a week
Feelings: From the start of anastrozole test I felt much better, more asertive, more lean, had more energy, more libido.
I did new bloodwork test and results was: (The test was done at the same medical centre as a previsious one at 3.2.2014)
FT4 17,25 <12-22> +0,75 (compared to bloodwork done at 3.2.2014 - Before starding Anastrozole low dose protocol)
FT3 4,9 <3,1-6,8> +-0
FSH 4,5 <1,5-12,4> +0,7
LH 3,4 <1,7-8,6> -0,7
Estradiol 27,2 <28-156> -22,2
Testosterone 18,29 <8,64-29> +3,04
At 10.4.2014 (April 10 2014)
Feelings: Until this day I felt still much better (energy etc.). But at 10.4.2014 I started feeling anxiety, joint pain etd.
Anastrozole dose: 0,2 MG / twice a week up to the date 10.4.2014. Than skiped one dose and lowered dose to 0,15 / twice a week.
At 16.4.2014
Anastrozole dose: 0,15 MG / twice a week
I started feeling good again (energy, libido etc.)
At 28.4.2014
Anastrozole dose: still on dose 0,15 MG / twice a week
Feelings: I started feeling letargy etc.
At 2.5.2014
Anastrozole dose: still on dose 0,15 MG / twice a week
Feelings: I still felt the same. Anxieties etc.
Blood work results:
Estradiol 26,6 <28-156>
Testosteron 16,77 <8,64-29>
At 3.5.2014
Anastrozole dose: lowered dose to 0,1 MG / week
Feelings: Few days I felt better but ... Than it was wrong again.
Tried changing doses but never found sustainable dose where I have the benefits I had in first 2 monts of usage.
At 11.7.2014
From the date of 14 of June I didnt take any drugs. My blood work results are bellow:
Testosteron 18,85 <8,64-29>
Estradiol 79,2 <28-156>
LH 2,9 <1,7 - 8,6>
SHBG 32 <14,5 - 48,4>
At 28.7.2014
After few months of my anastrozole test I wantet to try it again. Due to it worked for 2 monts initially. So at 28.7.2014 I started using anastrozole again at the dose of 0,1 mg / 3 time a week
At 4.8.2014
I started feeling no benefits of anastrozole again. But still used the same dose of 0,1 mg / 3 times a week
At 7.8.2014
Feld still bad.
Anastrozole still the same
Blood test results:
Testosteron 20,88 <8,64-29>
Estradiol 29,2 <28-156>
Prolactin 8,83 <4,04 - 15,2>
From this moment I stopped anastrozole testing. Becouse I was not able to find right dose and becouse for me it probably worked only short term.
Next blood work results (no drug usage from 7.8.2014) - I was about one week after I had some viruss infection
TSH 2,1 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 free 14,9 <12 - 22>
LH 2,6 <1,7 - 8,6>
Testosteron 11,13 <8,64-29>
Estradiol 47,6 <28-156>
Prolactin 8,28 <4,04 - 15,2>
Early morning Cortisol 568 <171 - 536> (doctor checked as a possible culprit of my fatigue).
All these values were supressed. I believe it is due to I was not due to viruss infection not excecising and dieting.
What do you think about it? What do you recommend? I would be very glad if someone will review my case.
Thank you very much!
I would like to consult with you my case. I am looking for threating many years already. I will subscribe my history bellow. I would be glad for any help or ideas.
My stats:
Age: 24
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 76 Kg
My sympthoms: (I suffer from this from puberty)
1. Lethargy and low energy level (sometimes I have energy and sometimes I am really fatigued - excercising and good low fat diet helps very much in this)
2. Very fatigued after food (not just normal food comma)
2. Non agresitivy - I am really very non assertive. I am scared sometimes of people
3. Anxieties
4. Anemia symptoms
5. Can gaint muscles
6. Low libido
7. Coldness
8. Psoariasis on my face
9. Cold hands
My history:
Blood test 1 (2 years or more old) - Not any drugs - Measured in early morning
LH 2,5 U/L <1,2 - 8,6>
THS 3,32 mU/L <0,34 - 5,60>
Free T4 10,1 pmol/l <7,9 - 16,0>
Free T3 5,1 pmol/l <3,8 - 6,0 >
T4 total 90,01 nmol/l <78,00 - 157,00>
T3 total 1,68 nmol/l <1,34 - 2,73>
FSH 2,7 U/l <1,3 - 19,3>
Estradiol 130 pmol/l <0 - 173>
Prolaktin 408,7 mIU/l <56,0 - 278,0>
Testosteron 14,1 nmol/l <6,1 - 27,1>
SHBG 25,0 nmol/l <13,2 - 89,5>
FAI ( free androgen index ) 56,4 % <22,2 - 110,2>
Blood test 2 (2 years or more old) - Not any drugs - Measured in early morning
UREA = 6.7
BIL = 8.3
Prolactin=22.93 (ref. range is up to 15 doc sayed)
U-LEURO=2 (higher than range)
Blood test 3 - This blood test was done 3 hours after I woke up - Prolactin is now lowered
IGF-1 290 <265-410>
STH 0,03 <0-20>
SHBG 38.1 <12-75>
LH 2.26 <1,5-9,3>
FSH 2.43 <1.4-18.10>
Prolactin 12.04 <2.1-17.7>
Estradiol <0.09 <0.04-0.19>
Korizol 504 <118-618>
Testosterone 12.5 <5.4-30.4>
T4 - free 15.9 <11.5-22.7>
TSH 1.707 <0.5-4.9
ACTH 28.2 <10-60>
MRI results
According to my PRL levels doc did MRI of my pituitary. There was found small 2mm pituitary microadenomas. But doc said becouse of my hormones are in range it is no needed to deal with it.
My doctor suspected prolactinomas due to higher prolaction levels. In the second blood test prolactin was re-checked and was increased again. Than doctor did MRI where was found small 2mm microadenomas on pituitary. On the third blood test doctor said I should go on test at least 3 hours after I wake up. On this third blood test prolactin was in range (so prolactin is not my problem according to my doc.
Blood test 4 (no drugs in the body)
Na 141 <136-145>
K 4,1 <3,5-5,1>
CI 104 <98-107>
Ca 2,35 <2.15-2.55>
Mg 0.8 <0.66-1.07>
Cu 10.9 <12.4-20.6>
Zn 17.7 <7-23>
Glukosa 4.63 <3.33-5.59>
Fe 12 <10.6-28.3>
Blood test 5 (no drugs in the body)
Na 142 <137 - 146>
K 4,3 <3,8 - 5,0>
CI 100 <97 - 108>
Ca 2,57 <2,00 - 2,75>
Fosfor anorg. 1,07 <0,65 -1,61>
Iron 26,1 <7,2 - 29>
Copper 15,3 <10,99 - 21,98>
Zinc 23,3 <9,1 - 13,7>
Osmolality 292 <275 - 295>
Ferritin 134,6 <22 - 322>
Glucose 4,6 < 3,9 - 5,6>
Urea 5,8 <2,8 - 8>
Kreatinin 95 <44 - 110>
Liver function tests
Bilirubin total 17,6 <2 - 17>
ALT 0,51 <0,1 - 0,78>
AST 0,37 <0,1 - 0,72>
GGT 0,25 <0,14 - 0,84>
ALP 1,01 <0,66 - 2,2>
Albumin 50,6 <35 - 53>
Protein total 79,6 <65 - 85>
Cholesterol 4,66 <2,9 - 5>
Triacylglyceroly 0,78 <0,45 - 1,7>
Cholesterol HDL 1,44 <1 - 2,1>
Cholesterol LDL 2,87 <1,2 - 3>
IGF-I 342,9 <265 - 410>
STH 0,17 <0 - 20>
LH 1,41 <1,5 - 20>
FSH 2 <1,5-9,3>
Prolactin 16,59 <2,1 - 17,7>
Estradiol < 0,090 <0,04 - 0,19>
Progesteron 0,8 <0,9 - 3,9>
Cortizol 594 <118 - 618>
Testosteron 13,57 <5,4 - 30,4>
T3 total 1,45 <0,9 - 3>
T4 total 110,7 <60 - 150>
T4 Free 16,2 <11,5 - 22,7>
TSH 2,509 <0,5 - 4,9>
Anti Tg <15 <0,0 - 60>
Anti TPO 28 <0 - 60>
PSA 0,66 <0,0 - 1,4>
ACTH 40 <10 - 60>
Leukocyts 6,8 <4,1 - 10,2>
Erytocyts 5,44 <4,19 - 5,75>
Hemoglobin 164 <135 - 174>
Hematokrit 0,469 <0,390 - 0,510>
Blood test 6 (no drugs used - test was done at 3.2.2014)
Vit. B12 413 <141-489>
TSH 1,29 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 Free 16,5 <12 - 22>
FT3 Free 4,9 <3,1 - 6,8>
FSH 3,8 < 0 - 12,4>
LH 4,1 <1,7 - 8,6>
Estradiol 49,4 <28 -156>
Prolactin 10,79 <4,04 - 15,2>
Testosteron Total 15,25 <8,64 - 29>
Kortizol 292,6 <171 - 536>
MRI of my pituitary was done again and with no change. Still is there 2 mm microadenom.
Anastrozole experiment
At 6.2.2014 (February 6 2014)
I started using Anastrozole at dosing of 0,20 Mg / twice a week. My goal was to improve the testosterone and estradiol ratio, to boost LH, FSH and Testosterone levels .
At 17.3.2014 (March 17 2014)
Anastrozole dose: 0,2 MG / twice a week
Feelings: From the start of anastrozole test I felt much better, more asertive, more lean, had more energy, more libido.
I did new bloodwork test and results was: (The test was done at the same medical centre as a previsious one at 3.2.2014)
FT4 17,25 <12-22> +0,75 (compared to bloodwork done at 3.2.2014 - Before starding Anastrozole low dose protocol)
FT3 4,9 <3,1-6,8> +-0
FSH 4,5 <1,5-12,4> +0,7
LH 3,4 <1,7-8,6> -0,7
Estradiol 27,2 <28-156> -22,2
Testosterone 18,29 <8,64-29> +3,04
At 10.4.2014 (April 10 2014)
Feelings: Until this day I felt still much better (energy etc.). But at 10.4.2014 I started feeling anxiety, joint pain etd.
Anastrozole dose: 0,2 MG / twice a week up to the date 10.4.2014. Than skiped one dose and lowered dose to 0,15 / twice a week.
At 16.4.2014
Anastrozole dose: 0,15 MG / twice a week
I started feeling good again (energy, libido etc.)
At 28.4.2014
Anastrozole dose: still on dose 0,15 MG / twice a week
Feelings: I started feeling letargy etc.
At 2.5.2014
Anastrozole dose: still on dose 0,15 MG / twice a week
Feelings: I still felt the same. Anxieties etc.
Blood work results:
Estradiol 26,6 <28-156>
Testosteron 16,77 <8,64-29>
At 3.5.2014
Anastrozole dose: lowered dose to 0,1 MG / week
Feelings: Few days I felt better but ... Than it was wrong again.
Tried changing doses but never found sustainable dose where I have the benefits I had in first 2 monts of usage.
At 11.7.2014
From the date of 14 of June I didnt take any drugs. My blood work results are bellow:
Testosteron 18,85 <8,64-29>
Estradiol 79,2 <28-156>
LH 2,9 <1,7 - 8,6>
SHBG 32 <14,5 - 48,4>
At 28.7.2014
After few months of my anastrozole test I wantet to try it again. Due to it worked for 2 monts initially. So at 28.7.2014 I started using anastrozole again at the dose of 0,1 mg / 3 time a week
At 4.8.2014
I started feeling no benefits of anastrozole again. But still used the same dose of 0,1 mg / 3 times a week
At 7.8.2014
Feld still bad.
Anastrozole still the same
Blood test results:
Testosteron 20,88 <8,64-29>
Estradiol 29,2 <28-156>
Prolactin 8,83 <4,04 - 15,2>
From this moment I stopped anastrozole testing. Becouse I was not able to find right dose and becouse for me it probably worked only short term.
Next blood work results (no drug usage from 7.8.2014) - I was about one week after I had some viruss infection
TSH 2,1 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 free 14,9 <12 - 22>
LH 2,6 <1,7 - 8,6>
Testosteron 11,13 <8,64-29>
Estradiol 47,6 <28-156>
Prolactin 8,28 <4,04 - 15,2>
Early morning Cortisol 568 <171 - 536> (doctor checked as a possible culprit of my fatigue).
All these values were supressed. I believe it is due to I was not due to viruss infection not excecising and dieting.
What do you think about it? What do you recommend? I would be very glad if someone will review my case.
Thank you very much!