Low normal T. How much HCG instead of TRT?


New Member
Total T 2.95 ng/ml (normal range 2.8 - 8.0 ng/ml)
Free T 0.081 ng/ml ( 0.07 - 0.17 ng/ml)

I know many of you would advise TRT

But if I want to try HCG instead/before TRT
How much HCG to use?
Would 500 IU 2x/week be fine, try it for 3 months, get tested again and adjust dosage as needed?
I will use some 5 mg nolva both to speed recovery and to avoid estrogenic side effect from HCG
I hesitate to even engage but..... What were your LH and FSH levels?

If they are already elevated and your testes aren't responding.....
I hesitate to even engage but..... What were your LH and FSH levels?

If they are already elevated and your testes aren't responding.....

I think Dr. Scally has said that all but one patient of his responded to some degree to HCG, even the primary ones
I think Dr. Scally has said that all but one patient of his responded to some degree to HCG, even the primary ones

I wonder if it's a response that makes a noticeable difference - maybe only +100 or so. That doesn't seem worth the effort. The placebo effect is probably greater, maybe that's what the patients experience?
I wonder if it's a response that makes a noticeable difference - maybe only +100 or so. That doesn't seem worth the effort. The placebo effect is probably greater, maybe that's what the patients experience?

A 100 points or so might be enough to alleviate the symptoms for a hypogonadal patient. In a eugonadal person they'd hardly notice a difference if anything. I can't give numbers bc Scally didn't but i would maybe assume the response was a bit more than that.
A 100 points or so might be enough to alleviate the symptoms for a hypogonadal patient.

Would agree, just wondering what the magnitude of response would be out of primaries.

Guess it isn't really going to hurt anything for the OP to give it a go and see what the test results give....
Scally on the topic

By definition, in primary hypogonadism the testes do not respond to the gonadotropins. Does this necessarily mean it will not occur in the individual? To this, i would answer no. I have had a number of individuals with primary hypogonadism secondary to mumps that "partially" responded to hCG with higher T, but did not change their infertility. I am confused by your apparent focus on LH.
I hesitate to even engage but..... What were your LH and FSH levels?

If they are already elevated and your testes aren't responding.....

To be honest
I didn't get LH and FSH tests

I think Dr. Scally has said that all but one patient of his responded to some degree to HCG, even the primary ones

So I've heard
Because I'd spend almost as much money and waste more time by getting LH and FSH tests
So I already gave HCG a try
I got another free/total T tests yesterday. Don't have the results yet
And pined my first HCG shot

Would 500 IU 2x/week we a good starting dose?
How long to retest and readjust dose? 1 or 2 months?
Good place to start.... You should be able to test pretty soon, 2-3 weeks should see you responding about as much as you ever will....
Great reply
thanks a lot bro

Good to know there's no need to wait a couple months to retest, like most endos would.
Good to know there's no need to wait a couple months to retest, like most endos would.

HCG doesn't build up in the system or anything... inject and within a few hours you are receiving the effect.

Might take a few treatments to rejuvenate your testes response possibly but honestly would be surprised if your test results were much different between 1 week after first injection and week 3 since you are not going from a total shutdown to start with.
1cc a week for the rest of ur life isn't a big deal. U have such a low test level, u won't hold much gains when u come off steroids. I would start trt right away