Low SHBG, Test e cycle, Need advice


New Member
Hi, some quick background infos: i am doing a 400 mg test e cycle per week. It is my second cycle, first one was 250 mg test e per week and i gained about 4.5 kgs. Btw, i am using an AI since i aromatise a lot (found this out during my first cycle). I did some bloodwork after 2 weeks into my new cycle (400 mg test e) and my SHBG is very low ( 8 nmol/L , reference range: 11-54).
I read all over that this means that the liver eliminates the testosterone quickly from your body. Obviously, i dont want this. Also, my free testosterone is very high.
Could more frequent injections help me in having more stable testosterone levels and combating the elimination of testosterone due to very low shbg levels? Any adivices? I am doing an injection on monday and one on thursday. Should i increase it to 3 pins per week? Thanks!
You’re running high test.. your free test is supposed to be high. You WANT it high.

Along drugs lowers your SHGB. Nothing you can do about it. Some lower it more than others (a lot of orals seem to do that).

SHGB is kinda still a mystery and not fully understood. But everyone’s goes down when you take gear.

Pinning twice a week is fine. I do once every 3 days just because I’m ocd.
Yes i know that test lowers shbg but i understand that now the liver will eliminate the testosterone faster (because the shbg is low). Would 3 pins per week mitigate these effects or 2 pins per week are enough?
I read on many forums that if shbg is low, frequent injections will be required. Any thoughts?
Any thoughts

Yea. I just gave them to you.

Twice a week (as long as it’s not prop) is fine. 3 times a week won’t change anything. Any amount of test lowers SHGB.

My shgb is lower than yours.

You’re really over thinking it
Hmm, this the 1st I heard that low SHBG means your test is eliminated faster though admittedly I’m not the most knowledgeable on the subject. What I’ve always thought/read you want it low cuz it binds to your free test and thus lowering the effects as your free test is what’s available to your receptors…maybe I’m wrong on this though…anyhow, just pin daily or every other day and put your mind at ease…I’m kinda skeptical that it is actually eliminating it faster cuz your free test is high so your blood work seems to be contradicting your own statement…
low shbg is good and preferable.
shbg are Sex Hormone Binding Globulin.
these bind with sex hormones and therefore the more it has the more testosterone is bound, -> not good.
" Broderick Sanchez, Vigorous Steve and Dr Jordan Grant all mentioned to NOT aim for low SHBG. We need it.
Low SHBG: metabolise and excrete the hormone more rapidly. As a result, you will not get the desired result from long ester test: you will excrete too fast... so may need to go to a more frequent pin schedule just to offset the consequence of low SHBG "

This is a post from another forum. I dont completly understand the thing with shbg but i want to maximise the benefits from my cycle, this is why i asked. But i guess i will continue with 2 injections per week
Hmm, this the 1st I heard that low SHBG means your test is eliminated faster though admittedly I’m not the most knowledgeable on the subject. What I’ve always thought/read you want it low cuz it binds to your free test and thus lowering the effects as your free test is what’s available to your receptors…maybe I’m wrong on this though…anyhow, just pin daily or every other day and put your mind at ease…I’m kinda skeptical that it is actually eliminating it faster cuz your free test is high so your blood work seems to be contradicting your own statement…

On the other hand, i also thought the same as you. I took the bloodwork on thursday and the free testosterone was high (i did the pin on monday). With the "fast" elimination i guess it should have been lower but it wasnt the case
" Broderick Sanchez, Vigorous Steve and Dr Jordan Grant all mentioned to NOT aim for low SHBG. We need it.
Low SHBG: metabolise and excrete the hormone more rapidly. As a result, you will not get the desired result from long ester test: you will excrete too fast... so may need to go to a more frequent pin schedule just to offset the consequence of low SHBG "

This is a post from another forum. I dont completly understand the thing with shbg but i want to maximise the benefits from my cycle, this is why i asked. But i guess i will continue with 2 injections per week
Low SHBG is irrelevant. Steve is wrong on this one.
" Broderick Sanchez, Vigorous Steve and Dr Jordan Grant all mentioned to NOT aim for low SHBG. We need it.
Low SHBG: metabolise and excrete the hormone more rapidly. As a result, you will not get the desired result from long ester test: you will excrete too fast... so may need to go to a more frequent pin schedule just to offset the consequence of low SHBG "

This is a post from another forum. I dont completly understand the thing with shbg but i want to maximise the benefits from my cycle, this is why i asked. But i guess i will continue with 2 injections per week
This is known as majoring in the minors.

You say you want to maximize your time on cycle yet your first one was basically trt+25% and your second one is still below what most people consider to be the appropriate first cycle dose.
This is from my personal blood work records
Shbg 15-20 injections (Monday,thursday)
Shbg 38 injections (Monday,Wednesday,Friday)

3 times a week raised my shbg maybe it will do the same to you if that's what you want.

Good luck