Low T at 18 before doing any cycles?


New Member
Got bloods to get a baseline before starting my cycle, and I have low T apparently, anyone have advice?
Planned cycle: Anavar, HGH, Aromasin, Test, T4
62kg 170cm.

You should probably take a looka your diet and daily habits regarding the low T while still in your teens and 100% put off starting a cycle at LEAST until you establish what a competent TRT dose is assuming you don’t want to troubleshoot the low T another way.
You should probably take a looka your diet and daily habits regarding the low T while still in your teens and 100% put off starting a cycle at LEAST until you establish what a competent TRT dose is assuming you don’t want to troubleshoot the low T another way.
what im wondering about is why the FSH level is low and the TSH is high, this is the second blood test I have had where TSH has been elevated, although the one prior did not test free t4
what im wondering about is why the FSH level is low and the TSH is high, this is the second blood test I have had where TSH has been elevated, although the one prior did not test free t4
You asked about low T not thyroid. It isn’t horribly out of range but also something you should look into. Two numbers on a sheet of paper isn’t enough to diagnose an issue. Don’t even have t3 markers here.

Related, I would not assume or plan to use t4 jsut because GH is going to be used.