Low test and high progesterone


So Im in a dilemma. I ran a heavy pct for 6 weeks after my last cycle Havent touched any gear since then. Had bloods taken 11 weeks from last pin. My test is sitting at 2.6 and my progesterone is high. I have zero sex drive and im falling asleep all the time. And im a little depressed.

My doctor wants me to wait a year to see endo. He wont prescribe trt as he thinks im just out to get gear. Endo cant see me for a year. Talking to him he really knows nothing about steroids so says come back in 3-4 months. Do bloodwork again and go from there. If my test hasnt gone back after 11 weeks I am sort of doubting it will go back to normal. And since he knows ive done steroids he isnt very helpful as his lack of knowledge keeps him from properly helping me.

I am seeking a second doctor to guide me but until I find a sports doc who understands more of the athlete steroid user Im looking to see what the vets here who have gone through this say. It is affecting my life at this point but I dont want to self diagnose TRT until I think it through and get info from as many sources as I can
YOU HAVE TO WAIT A YEAR!? That is ridiculous are you from the states? I waited 4 month to see a endo.
What is your estradiol levels? you will have to listen to the dumbass doc pal and see where your at in a few month... if then it's still not risen and you have to wait to see the endo - Low dose tamox and proviron I would recommend.
Yeah. This doc knows nothing. He wouldnt give me a print out of my sheet. Hes so against aas use that I think hes assuming that I just want a script for juice and not to be healthy. Im currently looking for a new doc but man they are hard to find ones that actually are knowledgeable about this stuff
Yeah. This doc knows nothing. He wouldnt give me a print out of my sheet. Hes so against aas use that I think hes assuming that I just want a script for juice and not to be healthy. Im currently looking for a new doc but man they are hard to find ones that actually are knowledgeable about this stuff

Does insurance have to be used to cover it?
Not in Canada if you have coverage. I own my own business so canadian healthcare wont help me with that either. All out of pocket