Low Test during PCT


New Member
PCT protocol is 2500 iu EOD Clomid 50mg twice a day for 45 days, Tamoxifen 20mg ED for 30 days. 24 hours after last hcg shot Testosterone is at 391g/dl range 348-1197 Estradiol 21.9 . Fatigue is in check including eye fatigue which became a real issue during the two weeks of no test prior to PCT.
Zero libido no wood period, stopped taking tamoxifen after 14 days,(hoping to regain libido by raising Estradiol) I now have some feeling down there but still no libido. Could Clomid be the issue? Are my testicles done for since 8 shots of 2500 iu of hcg only got me to 391? Not sure if I should continue the PCT since I'm down to only Clomid anyway.
I just realized that by trying to be brief I left out a lot of important information. I started going to the gym for the first time 3years ago at age 38 and I felt better than ever my energy was great I dropped fat and gained muscle I never felt stronger. Then about year and a half ago a sudden onset of fatigue especially eye fatigue which had me sleeping 10+ hours a day. My sex drive fell off and I fell into deep depression to where I was considering getting professional help. After a few months of that I ended up on TRT my one and only blood test from that time had my T at 274.
Since the drop was so sudden and hard I thought there is no way that the typical loss of T due to aging (1-3% per year) can be responsible and secretly hoped that when the underlying cause clears (whatever it may have been) I may be able to get back to my usual self. So after a year of TRT where I got it dialed in with my T at 750, my depression long gone I thought I'll give PCT a try. I stopped TRT 2weeks prior to PCT in order for the amount of T cypionate to dip bellow 50mg present in my system.