lower back pain from injections ???


New Member
anyone experience lower back pain a day or 2 after an injection? my back has stiiffened up last week and it still hurts,its a muscle pull/spasm... could repeated injections in the upper buttock area increase the chances of back pain? crazy question but i'm searching for answers..
i got lower back pain but is not from injections,i have a compressed disc,but lately when i inject my bicep with 1 cc the injection area is hot the next day or two and i feel like i have fever,also the bicep gets too sore so i don't know if i'll keep injecting them but the quad shot from yesterday was hot today at injection spot and i have that fever feeling again,is this what they call hot flashes?does taser or anyone else feel this?
I have lower back pain. This is my first cycle and i'm in my 4th week. I'm 6'0" 170lbs. I have been doing alternate glute injections and I suspect this must be an infection!! Is this something that should go away on it's own? Because the swelling is at the base of my spine close to my tail bone I'm worried about it continuing to migrate up the spinal cord and causing damage. I've overnighted some Amoxicillin (antibiotics). They should be here tomorrow. Tonight I did a light work out focusing on my glutes, quads, and back. Next I took a hot bath and some ibuprofen. I hope this helps release some of the swelling.

Should I be worried? Could someone else share some of their experience on this?

Would like to hear that I don't have anything to worry about. Sorry to revive such an old threadbut this seems like exactly my problem. Surprised no one mentioned infection earlier...
something does not seem right to me here..you give yourself glute injections but you have an infection at base of your spine??/I think if it were an infection from injection site it would be there at the injection site not at base of spine.If it is an infection could it be a staff type and not from the injection at all ?
dennis said:
something does not seem right to me here..you give yourself glute injections but you have an infection at base of your spine??/I think if it were an infection from injection site it would be there at the injection site not at base of spine.If it is an infection could it be a staff type and not from the injection at all ?
I agree. An infection should be more apparent at the injection site.

turboed said:
i got lower back pain but is not from injections,i have a compressed disc,but lately when i inject my bicep with 1 cc the injection area is hot the next day or two and i feel like i have fever,also the bicep gets too sore so i don't know if i'll keep injecting them but the quad shot from yesterday was hot today at injection spot and i have that fever feeling again,is this what they call hot flashes?does taser or anyone else feel this?
Hey turboed- I had that happen to me too. It was some stuff that was tainted with god knows what, sometimes if it isn't sterile you can get febrile like that. I wouldn't even take it if you get a fever everytime. That means your body is reacting in a negative way to whatever your putting in to your body. Think about it.
Could possibly be one of two things. First it could be a "lower back pump," which can occur when juicing and consuming large amounts of carbohydrate. Or second, it could be stressed out kidneys which can easily be mistaken for lower back pain.
Have you been deadlifting, squatting, or doing spin/bodypump classes???
Hope this helps.
It definitely feels like an infection. My kidneys feel fine. The pain started at the injection site and then migrated to my spine. I haven't been killing myself in the gym by any means. Currently, there is swelling at the base of my spine. All of the tissue around it. I've been getting better since I posted this. Probably didn't have anything to worry about, but I am taking Amoxicillin just in case. I was worried that the antibiotics could make things worse, but it's too late for that now. I already started a heavy dose of Amoxicillin and will finish that in 10 days.

Has this happened to anyone before?

I will definitely follow more sterile injection techniques in the future. Glutes are dirty places.....
Also, will rotate injection sites. I had some sustanon on hand so I did injections 3x a week for the first two weeks as a start to my cycle with D-Bol and then switched to the bi-weekly Test-E injections. Probably didn't give the injection site enough time to recover.....
archie1492 said:
It definitely feels like an infection. My kidneys feel fine. The pain started at the injection site and then migrated to my spine. I haven't been killing myself in the gym by any means. Currently, there is swelling at the base of my spine. All of the tissue around it. I've been getting better since I posted this. Probably didn't have anything to worry about, but I am taking Amoxicillin just in case. I was worried that the antibiotics could make things worse, but it's too late for that now. I already started a heavy dose of Amoxicillin and will finish that in 10 days.

Has this happened to anyone before?

I will definitely follow more sterile injection techniques in the future. Glutes are dirty places.....
Also, will rotate injection sites. I had some sustanon on hand so I did injections 3x a week for the first two weeks as a start to my cycle with D-Bol and then switched to the bi-weekly Test-E injections. Probably didn't give the injection site enough time to recover.....
You say glutes are dirty places, and follow more sterile injection procedures. Glutes are pretty much as dirty as all injection sites that is where alchol swabs come in. Let me know you sterile practices for injecting aas, who knows .. maybe your doing something wrong. let us know
taser said:
anyone experience lower back pain a day or 2 after an injection? my back has stiiffened up last week and it still hurts,its a muscle pull/spasm... could repeated injections in the upper buttock area increase the chances of back pain? crazy question but i'm searching for answers..
Im having the same thing. Monday I did my fifth inj. of test E and by tuesday night I couldn't lift my right foot off the floor. Excruciating pain (in the ass)[:o)] . Today it still hurts but I can move around a bit. My whole body aches like the flu. I had to do about 6 hours of driving yesterday which I think has something to do with it and I notice when I sit alot after an inj. i get a little sore but nothing like this. My glute is warm and swollen but not red or bruised. Ive been icing it and taking alieve. What gives? Also my lower back has been stiff and sore for atleast a week. Any input would be appreciated.
Whats odd with my glute injects is I dont get sore at the site of injection, my sorness always appears right along the top of my glutes kinda inwards toward my spine a little, like it runs along those two bones that run along the very top of your ass where your back meets your ass. Is it that low?
slick33158 said:
Whats odd with my glute injects is I dont get sore at the site of injection, my sorness always appears right along the top of my glutes kinda inwards toward my spine a little, like it runs along those two bones that run along the very top of your ass where your back meets your ass. Is it that low?
Yeah MOST people don't hit the dorso glutes in the right place, and is one of the more dangerous places to shoot actually if your stupid. Pain radiates higher there mostly because of your nerves there. The proper place to hit a dorso gluteal injection is actually what most people consider your outer lower back. I keep seeing that tons of people just don't know how to inject right, and some have bee doing it for years:eek:
If your not getting enough fluids it could be your kidneys that happens to me if running high doses of test or tren. an infection would be local to the injection site. could just be muscle strain from a good workout
Big_paul said:
If your not getting enough fluids it could be your kidneys that happens to me if running high doses of test or tren. an infection would be local to the injection site. could just be muscle strain from a good workout
Also the content of the gear can have an impact on radiating injection pain.
slick33158 said:
Whats odd with my glute injects is I dont get sore at the site of injection, my sorness always appears right along the top of my glutes kinda inwards toward my spine a little, like it runs along those two bones that run along the very top of your ass where your back meets your ass. Is it that low?
This is the excact problem im having. I can also say that I did hit my glute more towards the cheek on my last inj. And yes its low, right around my tail bone
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jsupstarz said:
Yeah MOST people don't hit the dorso glutes in the right place, and is one of the more dangerous places to shoot actually if your stupid. Pain radiates higher there mostly because of your nerves there. The proper place to hit a dorso gluteal injection is actually what most people consider your outer lower back. I keep seeing that tons of people just don't know how to inject right, and some have bee doing it for years:eek:
Is it possible that I hit a nerve? Ive been on the couch for 2 days from my last inj. I didnt hurt until I had to sit on my ass in the truck for 6 hours. Then it became very inflamed. Im kinda afraid to do todays.