Masteron Alternative


New Member
Hey folks, I'd really appreciate your advice pleaase.

I just started running 600 Test E and 400 Mast E about 2 weeks ago along with 80mg var daily for a kick starter.

So far so good great hard look, can see a cosmetic affect and look a lot leaner insane pumps. E2 seems in a great place which is a real shame because I was looking forward to see where the next 10-15 weeks would have taken me.

But the bad..... I've noticed a shit load of hair in the shower like 20-30 , even rubbing my hair over a sink when dry I lose a good 10 hairs.

I have a couple of questions, would you expect hair loss this early from mast e as I'm planning to just drop both the var and mast at this point?

The mast will probably take 4-5 weeks to clear also so would need to be stopped asap if it could be contributing factor this early.

Should I just run test at current dosages (600mg weekly) and try adding the var back in again after the mast has cleared? Or is there any alternatives that I can add to this cycle to give similar results I know primo could be used but again this could be a real hair destroyer.

I've never had any receding or hair thinning issues in the past so its a real pity...

Thanks in advance!
Mast is known to be the worst steroid for hair.

Primo is up there too

Sadly almost all dhts will cause hair loss if you are prone, and most men are prone, so you simply didn't win the genetic lottery.

Your options are to either run RU, try EQ as it's known to dry you and control e2 without hair shedding, or try your luck with primo and pray to the hair gods
Mast is known to be the worst steroid for hair.

Primo is up there too

Sadly almost all dhts will cause hair loss if you are prone, and most men are prone, so you simply didn't win the genetic lottery.

Your options are to either run RU, try EQ as it's known to dry you and control e2 without hair shedding, or try your luck with primo and pray to the hair gods
Thanks for your response much appreciated.

I might try some RU/ Regained for a few weeks and keep a look out. I'll probably drop the anavar.

Failing that I'll try you second suggestion with EQ. Would running EQ at 400mg weekly be enough to keep E2 under control? I have plenty of aromasin at hand also.
Thanks for your response much appreciated.

I might try some RU/ Regained for a few weeks and keep a look out. I'll probably drop the anavar.

Failing that I'll try you second suggestion with EQ. Would running EQ at 400mg weekly be enough to keep E2 under control? I have plenty of aromasin at hand also.

Just so you know anavar is pretty hair safe. Is hair safe for me, and fucking creatine makes me lose hair bro.

EQ has a massive range in response, due to genetic differences. For a few it doesn't act as an AI at all, for some as a mild AI, and for others it crashes their e2.

I suggest start with half your test, and maybe try bold cyp instead as EQ is just too fucking long. So go 2:1 test - bold

Gl man, I am in the same situation.