
New Member
I'm on my 3rd week of Testosterone Enanthate 500mg weekly, pinning 250mg Mondays and Thursdays. So far, so good, no sides and I feel great (knock on wood).

I was wondering if it's too late to introduce Masteron Enanthate into the cycle? I'm shooting for a 16wk cycle of Test E.

And what would be the ratio of Test and Mast? 2:1? If I introduced Mast, would I pin it 250mg weekly?

Monday: Test 250mg, Mast 125mg
Thursday: Test 250mg, Mast 125mg
A better question for yourself might be; is it too early to introduce another compound?

If you are feeling the test is insufficient, just give it a bit more time. Throw mast in now and you may just be chasing sides from an unknown place if you don’t have much experience.
A better question for yourself might be; is it too early to introduce another compound?

If you are feeling the test is insufficient, just give it a bit more time. Throw mast in now and you may just be chasing sides from an unknown place if you don’t have much experience.

I'm not saying Test is insignificant, I mean I feel great on it and 3wks in and myself and others have noticed a difference while on it.

But you make a good point, that i should wait before introducing a new compound.

From what I understand, Mast gives you a dry, muscular veiny look. Your muscles look more hardened. Libido increase too. Estrogen control, increase in strength.

More cost effective to Primo. But I read that most people experience hair loss with Mast, so maybe not a good idea to add.
I'm not saying Test is insignificant, I mean I feel great on it and 3wks in and myself and others have noticed a difference while on it.

But you make a good point, that i should wait before introducing a new compound.

From what I understand, Mast gives you a dry, muscular veiny look. Your muscles look more hardened. Libido increase too. Estrogen control, increase in strength.

More cost effective to Primo. But I read that most people experience hair loss with Mast, so maybe not a good idea to add.
There are a lot worse compounds to add than mast. You should be fine if you want to add it.

The ratio of mast to test is personal preference and will you will see this vary across responses on forums.

I think the ratio you described in your original approach is fine to start. Many users add mast to increase their free testosterone.

You may consider increasing your test dose up to 400mg/week before adding mast as you should see results with an increased test dose alone.
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Is this your first cycle?

Whats your BF currently?

Why do you care about a temporary cosmetic benefit?

It's been roughly 8yrs since my last cycle, where I ran Test, Decca and Tren.

So I guess this could be classified as my first cycle since it's been a considerable amount of time.

My BF percentage is 17.1% Its, high, I know.

Even running just test for 16wks I understand I'm not going to keep a lot of my gains. I figure why not run a dry compound and look hardened since after my cycle everything is just going to be temporary anyways.
you can run whatever you want, Im just giving your some information to tailor your expectations.
And I appreciate the honesty. No point wasting money on a compound if I'm not going to see any benefit from it.

I'm not disillusioned and realize I'm not going to be jacked or shredded by any means with my high bf percentage. I thought, maybe my muscles would look a bit more hardened than they are now. I'm glad I posted before making a dumb decision and wasting money.

Again, thank you for being honest. Much appreciated.
I agree, at 17% or higher, the cosmetic effect of Mast wont be significant. Its there in my experience, but to a very mild degree. Certainly not worth adding it purely for that.

However... do you plan to stay at 17%? Perhaps you add the Mast at a low dose of 300mg and haul ass for 4 weeks dieting/cardio/suffer and peel off 4% or 5% while it kicks in.

Then proceed with your rebound/comeback cycle. There are other perks to Mast with Test aside from cosmetic.

Its a simple thing, but having a purpose or a goal behind adding something, and earning it... can make the difference in success or failure.
I agree, at 17% or higher, the cosmetic effect of Mast wont be significant. Its there in my experience, but to a very mild degree. Certainly not worth adding it purely for that.

However... do you plan to stay at 17%? Perhaps you add the Mast at a low dose of 300mg and haul ass for 4 weeks dieting/cardio/suffer and peel off 4% or 5% while it kicks in.

Then proceed with your rebound/comeback cycle. There are other perks to Mast with Test aside from cosmetic.

Its a simple thing, but having a purpose or a goal behind adding something, and earning it... can make the difference in success or failure.

Do I plan to stay at 17%? Hell no lol. I'm trying to lose fat as much as I can. I'm currently on a calorie deficit. I realize even at my current BF percentage and on a deficit, I shouldn't even be taking Test until I'm much lower.

It's hard to explain exactly, but I feel great on 500mg Test weekly. And my shoulders and chest are coming in nicely. People at work have started to comment I'm looking bigger and fit. Again, I realize I'm not going to be ripped or shredded by 16wks.
Front load mast at least 800mg the first week and then 400mg the following week. Proceed to run 200mg until you reach low enough bf%, then increase it to 600mg.
Just going to chime in and say I’d recommend mast prop if you’ve never used it before. If you dont like how you feel it’s out of your system quicker.
Just going to chime in and say I’d recommend mast prop if you’ve never used it before. If you dont like how you feel it’s out of your system quicker.
Mast is great. Only for it made me lose half my hair and is 100% the reason for it.