meditrope labs and help with other out of range values


Well-known Member
10+ Year Member
RBC 6.45H
MCH 24.7 L

Cholesterol total 262H
LDL 224H

Estradiol 110.8H

Dhea 637.2 H

test serum >1500


IGF1 219H

Vitamin D 22.4 L
friend donates blood every 8 weeks (did 4 weeks ago) so does that explain the mcv mch low?

always had problem with HDL not sure what he should do

is on 1mg arimi e3d so maybe tren has skewed estradiol? (tren,mast, tp from potg currently)

SHBG need to do more research not sure if should be concerned.

IGF1 after 3 kits batch 25 at 3.3iu seems super low. he is switching to batch27 hoping for better. he has had baselines at 182 and 197 while on cycles not including hgh.

DHEA his last bloods were low so added supplement,
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What brand of GH is he running and who is the source?

What brand of GH is he running and who is the source?

Meditrope is Black Tops, yeah? So, originally TP to a reseller or from TP direct, I'd assume? The batch #'s line up with what's currently out there, I received batch 27 about 1.5 months ago.
Meditrope is Black Tops, yeah? So, originally TP to a reseller or from TP direct, I'd assume? The batch #'s line up with what's currently out there, I received batch 27 about 1.5 months ago.
I figured but the meditrope labs part through me off.

I think he's saying they are the labs from his Meditrope cycle? Not sure. That's how I interpreted it, but, I can't get past level 3 on Hooked on Phonics.... Sooo....
We are on the same level because I read that crap all wrong. I need to go to the gym and quit reading this crazy stuff.

lab work while on meditrope black top batch 25 and help with out of range values. it was 1am lol. 19 kicked ass 25 seems bunk hoping 27 will be better.