MFL test cyp results


New Member
mfl2.gif mfl2.gif I know you guys had some problems with Ricky I think it was his test prop. I going on my 7th week running 250mg ew of his test cyp and had blood work done and just wanted to post it here. My total test seemed really nice but my free test was for shit. I was running GrAnabolics Proviron and thought it would bring my free test levels up a lot since I was running 75mgs ed. Was hoping for around 700-750 level. I had 2 stents but in my heart 8 weeks ago so I've just been running 1ml of cyp. My upcoming cycle I will change my proviron source for sure. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MFL just posting bloodwork. Batch # is 7574. Total test was 2872 and free test was 102 if you cant see it
Thanks, Custom
I had 2 stents but in my heart 8 weeks ago so I've just been running 1ml of cyp. My upcoming cycle I will change my proviron source for sure.

Upcoming cycle? Seriously? There's comes a time in everyone's life when their body tells them the jig is up. This is one of those times. You want to roll the dice? Get ready for one of these:

2 stents :eek:
I second CBS in a serious re evaluation of this LIFE style.
Maybe get super focused on diet.
What was the cause for the stents?