Mid 40's planning for 50


New Member
Hello, I’m in my mid 40’s. Looking to recomp after I let myself go a bit when I became a father. Prior to the kids I had been working out off and on since high school. I built out an home gym two years ago. Was doing pretty good lifting 3-4 days a week, but it started getting more & more difficult to recover. I was super tired in the mornings. I started TRT after researching for a good 6 months & now I I really look forward to my workouts again. So now that I’m older, joints hurt, working through the pain is no longer an option. I’m looking into low dose HGH. I’ve had good experience with bpc-157 & tb-500, but I’m hoping I can add low dose to my TRT/TRT+ protocol.
Anyway, looking forward to learning from all y’all.
Hello, I’m in my mid 40’s. Looking to recomp after I let myself go a bit when I became a father. Prior to the kids I had been working out off and on since high school. I built out an home gym two years ago. Was doing pretty good lifting 3-4 days a week, but it started getting more & more difficult to recover. I was super tired in the mornings. I started TRT after researching for a good 6 months & now I I really look forward to my workouts again. So now that I’m older, joints hurt, working through the pain is no longer an option. I’m looking into low dose HGH. I’ve had good experience with bpc-157 & tb-500, but I’m hoping I can add low dose to my TRT/TRT+ protocol.
Anyway, looking forward to learning from all y’all.
Welcome to Meso and the joint pain club!

Tell 'em when you were younger you trained to muscular failure. Now you just train to joint and heart failure!
Welcome! Just joined yesterday and it sounds like we're in similar situations. Im 46, wife and kids. Just easing back into it... mostly lighter weights and more resistance bands. Had to take off 6 months because of tendinitis in both elbows. BPC-157/TB-500 protocol helped with everday movement but not with working out. I am also starting to research about HGH and IGF, in preparation I guess.
Welcome! Just joined yesterday and it sounds like we're in similar situations. Im 46, wife and kids. Just easing back into it... mostly lighter weights and more resistance bands. Had to take off 6 months because of tendinitis in both elbows. BPC-157/TB-500 protocol helped with everday movement but not with working out. I am also starting to research about HGH and IGF, in preparation I guess.

My elbows and shoulders are finally feeling better. There’s still a little occasional pain in my elbow, but not nearly as bad as it was a few weeks ago. I’ve made a few changes to my workout routine as well adding PT days focused on shoulder therapy workouts. For the elbow I’ve been using a green flexbar EOD. I also bought a tricep v-bar to replace my rope attachment. The idea being to reduce forearm grip strain. I’ve adopted the mantra that “the amount of shoulder/elbow pain that is ok is NONE.” . If a movement hurts I reduce the movement or replace it with something else altogether.

I’m also looking into HGH, but I will wait until my current test/primo experiment is complete before going down that road.

Let me know how your research goes.
Hello, I’m in my mid 40’s. Looking to recomp after I let myself go a bit when I became a father. Prior to the kids I had been working out off and on since high school. I built out an home gym two years ago. Was doing pretty good lifting 3-4 days a week, but it started getting more & more difficult to recover. I was super tired in the mornings. I started TRT after researching for a good 6 months & now I I really look forward to my workouts again. So now that I’m older, joints hurt, working through the pain is no longer an option. I’m looking into low dose HGH. I’ve had good experience with bpc-157 & tb-500, but I’m hoping I can add low dose to my TRT/TRT+ protocol.
Anyway, looking forward to learning from all y’all.
I’m in the same boat! 40 years old, work, kids, it’s all getting harder…. What’s your test dose for TRT? I’m looking to get started