Mixed compound cruising? -- advice appreciated


I would like feedback on the idea of splitting my cruise/HRT dosage between Test cyp and Deca as opposed to just testosterone.

Something for a cruise such as:
60mg /week Testoserone Cyp
60mg /week Deca

Suggestions welcome on ratio, amount, or even other compounds.

1) to try to eliminate the need for an AI or SERM during cruise.
2) to enjoy some Deca joint relief.
3) to see if it is milder on my skin (I do get acne from the testosterone)
4) Avoid more slow longer term usage gyno (related to #1).

I am middle aged.
BW of about 207 lb and 16% BF.
Very clean diet and lifestyle (I have not had one drink in the past two years).

Off cycle I have extremely low natural T persistently below 300 (I have been tested many times across months/years) most likely due to age and exposure to toxins (worked in chemical research for years); in addition to low TT I also aromatize a lot which results in higher E2 than most at the same TT.

For about a year now I have experimented with my HRT to dial in what works for me (I have also run one mild blast of Prop and NPP logged here).

At 100mg /week of test cyp I am in the 600-700 range with E2 in the 40-50.
At 120mg /week of test cyp I am in the 700-800 range with E2 in the 50-60.
Addition of 250 iu of hcg E3D adds approximately another 100 to my TT value and 10 to my E2.

Therefore, at 120mg cyp + 250 iu E3D HCG I am at about 900 TT and 70 E2 (the target TT value I want).

I noticed gyno lumps popping up at anything above 40-50 E2 (also, I did have pubescent natural gyno as I have stated earlier in my log).

As such I have had to add adex even during cruise/HRT dosages.
With 1mg adex a week (diveded doses) I brought the 120mg cyp + HCG from 70 E2 down to 40; with 2mg of adex the E2 value dropped down to 15.
I still have to run 10-20mg ED tamoxifen even with the 1mg of adex or the lump will appear.

I would really like to cruise without adex and just give my body some time with less crap, less playing with adex, I hate Tamoxifen as it makes me feel like shit and I break out on my arms and back more, and I want to take it as easy on the liver with less pills so I can enjoy going all-out on my cycles with front loaded orals etc.

What are your thoughts on half Deca/half test for cruising?
My goal is to eliminate life-long usage of AI and SERMS during cruise/HRT
(I understand they will for sure be necessary during blasts/cycles).
any advice or suggestions and other ideas are greatly appreciated.
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I can give you my experiences. For suggestions there are much smarter people here than me : )

At 80mg test per week, I don't need an AI. I added in deca a couple of times without changing my test dose. I figured TRT was for adjusting TT, and deca wouldn't have much if any impact on that.

Once I used 150mg per week based on something I read on steroid.com. My joints did "seem" to feel better, and I didn't have any noticeable e2 problems. But I was lazy and didn't get BW before I started the blast, so I don't really know where e2 was. I stopped using it after 2 months when I went on blast.

The second time, right after the blast, I dropped it to 100mg per week. My joints didn't feel any worse than when I was on 150mg. I ran it for around 3 months before the next blast. BW after 3 months showed e2 in the same range as always.

Personally, I have become pretty skeptical on the joint relief reports after my own experiments. Adding in deca or NPP never brought joint pain down enough for me to say absolutely I got some relief, at least no more than taking loads of glucosamine or fish oil ever did, and there are a ton of people who swear that stuff is magic.
I honestly am with the subbed for reply guy too.

Hmm interesting. I guess you could technically TRT on many compounds. I would say maybe use a compound that lowers/prevents aromitisation. A "winstrol" like compound but not winstrol obviously. Maybe masteron enanth, I also heard anavar is great for TRT/cruise.
What if you changed compounds after time elapses? Do low doses of different compounds at really low doses. Depending on doses longer or shorten the weeks of use. So for example, your Test 60 and Deca 60 for lets say 30 weeks, then when your body gets to used to deca or you are bored with it or no more results. Do, EQ 60 and test 60, 30 weeks. When EQ gets tolerable, Masteron enanthate 50 for 20 weeks.

When I cruise/bridge, I am with anavar or masteron. If you read through Bill Roberts Anabolic steroids types on this site. It says some cruising/bridging/TRT steroids. Also Steroid.com.

Sorry if this post wasn't helpfull. LOL
I honestly am with the subbed for reply guy too.

Hmm interesting. I guess you could technically TRT on many compounds. I would say maybe use a compound that lowers/prevents aromitisation. A "winstrol" like compound but not winstrol obviously. Maybe masteron enanth, I also heard anavar is great for TRT/cruise.
What if you changed compounds after time elapses? Do low doses of different compounds at really low doses. Depending on doses longer or shorten the weeks of use. So for example, your Test 60 and Deca 60 for lets say 30 weeks, then when your body gets to used to deca or you are bored with it or no more results. Do, EQ 60 and test 60, 30 weeks. When EQ gets tolerable, Masteron enanthate 50 for 20 weeks.

When I cruise/bridge, I am with anavar or masteron. If you read through Bill Roberts Anabolic steroids types on this site. It says some cruising/bridging/TRT steroids. Also Steroid.com.

Sorry if this post wasn't helpfull. LOL

yeah I also read that from Bill Roberts and it sounds like a good plan, but I currently do not have any legit drostanolone enanthate. Also, I do want to see the joint relief benifit on nandrolone. If I can find a source of good Masteron-E (drostanolone enanthate) I will definitely add that because it may help reduce aromatization according to the write-up.