My bloodwork results.


New Member
Hey guys, was wondering if you could
Interpret my lab results for me.
Specifically your thoughts on my Free Test, total test, T3, HDL & E2.

my total Test seems pretty low for being on 300mg/ wk of Test P. Also taking 300mg of NPP weekly and 50mg Proviron every day.
Assuming the proviron is freeing up all the SHBG bound test, lowering total test but increasing free test which is what matters.

Also sensitive e2 reads a bit high, however I have zero estrogenic side effects whatsoever. No water retention or gyno / libido issues. Is it fine to leave my estrogen at this level? I’ve been told if you have no bad sides, leave estrogen high, it comes with benefits.

Not sure what to think about T3/ LDL.
Thanks a ton.


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Please provide better images. It is known that nandrolone can lead to skewed E2 and test reading, just be aware of that.
suppose to be read as test or E2 but it seems like this is not your case. Probably they used high sensitivity method (LC-MS).
Your test P is UGL?
suppose to be read as test or E2 but it seems like this is not your case. Probably they used high sensitivity method (LC-MS).
Your test P is UGL?
It is high sensitivity method.
And yeah UGL Test but it’s been lab tested and dosage is accurate as advertised, 200mg/mL. From a known source.
Maybe my total test is lower because some days I pin like 15-20 hours late instead of EOD and I know test P levels can drop rapidly if not administering every other day.
And on a side note what other bloods have you had drawn to compare to. I've had pharma Test from my prescription, labs on shitty UGL and labs on excellent UGL. I've learned for myself, I'm just over 4X dose. I respond well but many other reapond better. And it's been my experience.that I've had varying numbers on TestP. Huge spikes and Troughs.
NPP and Proviron can tank Your HDL. It also goes with the territory that AAS use in general, especially on cycle screw your Lipids up. Goes with the territory. can do is try and be as healthy as you can. Your other lipids seem fine.

The only real way to raise your HDL. Is to come off cycle and go to a True TRT level, and continue to be active workout, and sleep. That HDL should come up. I've also been told Organ Meet and Desiccated Liver help raise HDL ad well