my clen experience


New Member
So i ordered my clen and started taking it like instructed. at like 40-80-120-200mcg all up untill the second week because i was gonna do the two weeks on and two weeks off routine. I noticed that after the first week like during the end of the week when i was up to about 180 my side effect which i only had one was starting to go away. The only side effect i had was shaking hands. I continued threw the second week at about 200 everyday. When i was at 200 the second week everyday i felt fine just had the shaky hands which doesnt bother me i kinda liked it. You would have to know me to understand that one. The thing that i was wondering is when does the weight loss occur? Does it occur as i continuously cycle the clen? I thought i had lost 5 pounds the second week but it was more like i just took a shit ya know? I got a shit load of clen and i excersise everyday. Could i be doing something wrong? All info on this subject is needed thank you meso guys! oh and by the way, im at 200lb even and i propably have about 25%bf not to sure though. I was working in an office and gained 20lb in a year like an asshole.
Dude! 200 lbs with 25% body fat, MAN! You obviously do not understand the concepts of bodybuilding with steroids, STEROIDS DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT FOR YOU! Im always nice to people on this board but you know what, its seems like when we are too nice people do not understand, here it is. Clen along with any steroid does not do everything for you but they are a huge help, for Clen, if you are running that high of doses and you are not losing weight you are doing something wrong, there is some many things i could name that could go wrong for any new person to working out, examples, over training, under training, too much cardio, too less of cardio, too many calories, not enough calories.. so on.. you need to exercise and get the hang of things for a least 2 years before you start a cycle of anything because here is the deal man, i run clen and here is my clen cycle,

day 1- 20mcg
day 2-40mcg

1 week of benylyn and i am done for a while(2 weeks), as you can see, i do not over dose so i do not fuck my body up, i keep my beta2 in check with benylyn and adequate time off, i have in the past went from 20% BF to 8-5% BF within a 2 month span with proper use of clen and caffeine along with taurine.. but i will make this very clear.... those 3 things; clen, taurine, caffeine are only supporters, nothing in this world can beat a picture perfect nutrition plan along with a good weight lifting plan and 45 minutes of cardio everyday during cutting seasons.. because i care about you i will give you an example of a good meal on a cutting diet, one other tip i missed out on, you will never lose weight in one night like everyone tries to get, that will get you nowhere, take a picture of yourself right now this very second and then do not look at your body for 3 weeks and take a picture at the end of the 3 weeks and you should see results.. in the end its all about consistency and hard work, steroids are an aid, not a miracle.

Meal 2 for everyday of my cutting phases;
4oz protein source, tuna, steak,chicken.. etc..
5oz pure green vegetables, spinach, brocoli.. etc..
15-20 almonds
Dude! 200 lbs with 25% body fat, MAN! You obviously do not understand the concepts of bodybuilding with steroids, STEROIDS DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT FOR YOU! Im always nice to people on this board but you know what, its seems like when we are too nice people do not understand, here it is. Clen along with any steroid does not do everything for you but they are a huge help, for Clen, if you are running that high of doses and you are not losing weight you are doing something wrong, there is some many things i could name that could go wrong for any new person to working out, examples, over training, under training, too much cardio, too less of cardio, too many calories, not enough calories.. so on.. you need to exercise and get the hang of things for a least 2 years before you start a cycle of anything because here is the deal man, i run clen and here is my clen cycle,

day 1- 20mcg
day 2-40mcg

1 week of benylyn and i am done for a while(2 weeks), as you can see, i do not over dose so i do not fuck my body up, i keep my beta2 in check with benylyn and adequate time off, i have in the past went from 20% BF to 8-5% BF within a 2 month span with proper use of clen and caffeine along with taurine.. but i will make this very clear.... those 3 things; clen, taurine, caffeine are only supporters, nothing in this world can beat a picture perfect nutrition plan along with a good weight lifting plan and 45 minutes of cardio everyday during cutting seasons.. because i care about you i will give you an example of a good meal on a cutting diet, one other tip i missed out on, you will never lose weight in one night like everyone tries to get, that will get you nowhere, take a picture of yourself right now this very second and then do not look at your body for 3 weeks and take a picture at the end of the 3 weeks and you should see results.. in the end its all about consistency and hard work, steroids are an aid, not a miracle.

Meal 2 for everyday of my cutting phases;
4oz protein source, tuna, steak,chicken.. etc..
5oz pure green vegetables, spinach, brocoli.. etc..
15-20 almonds

well put SF, AGREED...

also if you overdo cardio you can have the dreaded distant runner physique..little muscle and fatty skin... maybe tone it down to 3 sessions at 30min per session..and lift on 2 of these days...

good luck.
I will totaly take your advice for sure. I did forget to mention that i am no stranger to the gym. I have been working out for about 5 years. not that long but 5 years. I just had a time where i couldnt for a while and i probably dont have 25% bf it just feels like it. The photo idea is a great idea. I will take a photo of myself, hit it hard and then take another a month after the photo. I like your meal plan as well. I usually eat tuna everyday but i dont eat the veggies or have a shake. I used to eat every 3 hours and gained alot from that. I think i actually undertrain due to only having an hour break for lunch. Your meal plan said "meal 2" is that what you eat 3 times a day or wha? i would like to go by a cutting meal like that if you use one youself or is that it? If so let me know i do take your advice and write that shit down.
Word! Yeah basically on a rank cutting season, you want to cut out all shit foods and because i like to see results A.S.A.P. i usually cut out all bread, milk, cheese, and am usually so strict to the point were i wont even drink apple juice, The example i used was not what I eat constantly, in fact I try to limit that meal to only cutting periods because tuna has high mercury content so for bulking i will replace the tuna with salmon, a lot of people do not know this but salmon has about 80% less mercury content then tuna does, according to my biology professor anyway, I will take his word over anybody on here when it comes to living organisms, anyway, the reason I gave you that example is because you want to follow that sort of a meal plan for all 6 meals a day excluding your post-workout, for post workout I go..

Meal; Post-workout.
1 Banana
1 Protein shake consisting of;
1full scoop of Gold Standard Whey Protein (0 carbs)
1 scoop, Casein protein
1 Scoop, GluceVol Waxy Maize (Dietary supplement, don't let the 144 calories scare you)
2 tbsp. Flax Seed Oil.

GluceVol is perfect for healthy post-workout carbs, Whey protein is perfect for a short burst of protein and the casein will keep protein in you for a long time seeing how i workout at night so it is smart for me to take the casein since my post-workout is my last meal of the day. Again with my example of "Meal 2" on my last post it is just a outline of the perfect meal on a cutting cycle, 4-5 oz Protein(Any source of protein is good, i try not to use protein shakes as a protein source tho, try using egg whites, tuna, salmon, chicken, fish, steak) Then for the first 3 meals of the day make sure you are taking in 5 oz of pure green vegetables along with almonds or some kind of EFA pill if you are like me and cannot stand almonds. Hope this helps even more, Only did this since you appreciated the last post, Good luck brother.
With Keto, you can easliy run Clen for 6 weeks straight. Just keep your diet in check and your training consistent. However, I have never seen anyone run Clen with more than 15% bodyfat so I'm not sure how you will respond. I would recommend the diet advice above WTHOUT the Clen to start. If you can lose 10% BF naturally, it will be that much easier to lose more BF when you jump on the Clen.

Also, to lose weight with Clen you should have to do very little Cardio (I have had more success with other Thermogenics and Cardio versus Clen and Cardio). So, Clen is kind of like cardio in a bottle for me. It makes me sweat like crazy when I'm pushin weights and in general.

Oh, and if you do get some Keto, only take it before you go to bed. Made me sleep like a baby!
A ketogenic diet paired with clen is a pretty common mixture.
I suggest you do some research to find a ketogenic diet that you know you will follow through with cooking, packing and eating, every day.
Ketosis is reachable and it will burn fat fast without clen.

Its also the diet that requires the most self control.