My DNP (experienced bodybuilder)


New Member
Hey guys, been on this site for forever, and recently threw in DNP with my latest cut. Im workin with dave palumbo, he does my diet, etc and its a keto diet, high protein, moderate fat (essential fats only) low carb, under 50 per day. , but im not tellin him bout the DNP cuz he doesnt like it. Probably due to the fact that his LIPOLYZE competes with it. anyways heres how i went at it.

day 1-4 200mg
next three days - 400
next three days - 600
So would you guys recommend comin off the DNP now or do you think I could continue to get results if I bumped up the dose, probably to 700 or would you think 800.

Im not workin now so I just chill in my AC apartment. SIde effects have been a piece of cake, i sweat alittle but not bad.... night sweats arent bad, do sweat some though, no was great until 600mg, im lethargic during the day but im a fricken freight train once I hit the weights. I still do my cardio which is 1 hour ED. dropped from 245, im at 231 right now probably around 8 percent BF. I dont think im holding water at all, i mean my system has no carbs so I know i dont hold water that way.... but i know the bodies defense is to hold water to help cool itself (so dont know if im holdin water or not). My temp has never broke 98. Im usually around 96 and even 95 last night. What would you guys recommend? would stayin on another week do anything or am I wastin my time and need to come off?? Sidenote didnt even get yellow cum until 600mgs. I think this stuff gets a horrible rap.... it has been a cakewalk, but my situation now is set up for it pretty good. Also I think being in ketosis has been of great benefit, it crushes hunger, and I have constant steady energy levels since my body is running off of ketones. When i have my cheat with carbs I actually get cooler and dont even sweat lol. Im hotter when in ketosis!

Once again im not some fatass tryin to cut a bunch of weight fast that still eats like shit. I stagger my protein/fat days with protein/veggie days so its a full 900 cal drop from day to day (2300 on protein fat,1400 protein veggie day) , and i still lift everyday, and do my cardio everyday.

Taking Test, EQ, HGH, T3, Clen, ECA
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Stay on one more week, but dont bump the dose. No need, if you are dropping weight and not having many sides, then let it keep working without the bad sides. I have tried both ways, keeping it low to avoid sides and pushing it to bad sides and fat loss was the same so no point and going that route again.
Bench is right I used dnp in the range of 600-750mg over a 10 cycle it was very heavy then I took a break and ran it at 400mg a day and the fat loss was exactly the same only the sids were so much easier to cope with.
I'm with the last two guys. Keep your dose where it's at. Don't bump it up any higher than 600mg/day. It sounds like you're at a good place in terms of the side effects vs. the benefits. If the dose gets any higher, the side effects will probably get nasty. In my opinion, that just isn't worth it (not to mention it's more dangerous).
I bumped it to 700 before you guys replied, sides werent bad either but were more noticeable, after I read your posts I cut it back to 600, didnt feel heat, sides or anything anymore at this dose so went back to 700. Today is my last day.

-So the DNP will still be kickin for another day or two correct?

-Also how long should I take off before resuming again if I decide to do so?

-If I wanted to do a month long cycle during christmas to keep from gaining any bodyfat from a less than perfect diet would mg should I run?

I'll research some more to see if I cant find these answers but if anyone wants to help feel free. thanks.
also I had two cheat meals on sunday and scale weight went up 13 pounds overnight, I always suck up carbs like a damn sponge. but so far im still 5 pounds above this time last week. hopin its just bloat and I didnt gain fat..... but scale isnt movin.
Bro I have a feeling you have taken Dnp that is under dosed! If you were taking 600mg and couldnt feel it then thats the only conclusion you can come to. I have never heard of anyone taking 700mg a day and not experiencing side effects. I have seen guys nearly cry taking a legit dose of 700mg per day and they are hardcore individuals.
.nah its from a very well known and respected source, i mean i have sides but they just dont seem bad to me. Granted I sit in my AC apartment with air on 68 in my boxers with no shirt on.... lol and i sweat pretty good at night, but nothin like bad TREN sweats. I do have shortness of breath etc.

I think alot of the sides have been averted due to my body being in Ketosis and using them for fuel. Ketosis kills your appetite so cravings arent bad...... I actually stop sweating when i have my once a week cheat meal.
Bro I have a feeling you have taken Dnp that is under dosed! If you were taking 600mg and couldnt feel it then thats the only conclusion you can come to.
No, that's definitely not the only conclusion. A well established fact about DNP is that there's huge variation in personal sensitivity to it. Most guys running P's stuff are taking 300-400mg/day with the typical response. But every now and then there are guys who are particularly tolerant to it that end up taking double that, or more. I know guys who take 800mg+ of any brand and who have few side effects. Bigsnor's DNP could be underdosed, but considering his source's track record, I think personal tolerance to it is a much more likely explanation.
Bump for these

-Also how long should I take off before resuming again if I decide to do so?

-If I wanted to do a month long cycle during christmas to keep from gaining any bodyfat from a less than perfect diet would mg should I run?

-Also it wouldnt do me any good to stay another couple weeks would it, as the drug is more potent in the beginning and loses its effectiveness the longer it is ran? That was my understanding, almost like receptor downgrade with clen.

I'll research some more to see if I cant find these answers but if anyone wants to help feel free. thanks.
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Bump for these

-Also how long should I take off before resuming again if I decide to do so?

-If I wanted to do a month long cycle during christmas to keep from gaining any bodyfat from a less than perfect diet would mg should I run?

-Also it wouldnt do me any good to stay another couple weeks would it, as the drug is more potent in the beginning and loses its effectiveness the longer it is ran? That was my understanding, almost like receptor downgrade with clen.

I'll research some more to see if I cant find these answers but if anyone wants to help feel free. thanks.

1. If your asking how long you should wait before resuming - you can continue whenever you like - if you are asking how long untill my original dosage is just as effective when I started, wait 2 weeks.

2. Define "less than perfect". If you are not overdoing it, 300 mg should be fine..

3. There is no degradation of receptors, rather your body adapts to the drug, so if you want more powerful effects..increase your dosage and you will be right back up where you were.

Just my opinions..hope it helps
Don't ou need to run a reasonable amount of carbs when running DNP? I read somewhere that a Keto diet isn't such a good thing when running DNP, and that optimal carbs is 150g - 200g per day.
yah lots of posts say you need carbs, conciliator advised me that, thats bogus and that it elevates the metabolism no matter what.
my temperature this morning was 94.7 ate some food and bout thirty min. later it was only 95.5. Is this normal when coming off DNP? I have also been dieting for about 9 months now straight and am sure my thyroid is barely even running....... but what do you think I should do? Im currently on T3 at 50mcg per day.
my temperature this morning was 94.7 ate some food and bout thirty min. later it was only 95.5. Is this normal when coming off DNP?
Yes, honestly. Going 200/400/600 was Kinda crazy for a first go. I did half that and only for 7 days My first time, however, like what was said before, tolerance varies. BUT... The longer you take it, the longer it takes for the effects to taper off, not unlike OTC test boosters. I'd say if you're tolerant and want to push, a 4 on 1 off ratio. A more conservative ratio would be 3/1. But really, you need to pay attention to your body, let your body yell you when it's done processing the chemical, and when to stop when it's had enough.