My GF broke her leg

I was considering putting her on 5mg anavar to help increase her bone mineral density and help her heal faster, terrible idea?

Hate to use bro science on her situation, but I feel like I should help.

Isn't there a peptide that helps a lot with this kinda healing thing?

Tb500 and bpc157 peptides could help with the healing potentially

I'm not sure if these have negative interactions with females though so I'd research that first

Anavar can improve bone collagen synthesis, but it would be hard to reccomend taking anavar solely for the purpose of trying to heal a broken leg, I mean it might make it heal 5-10% faster If that? (Just throwing out random numbers). Then there's the hormonal changes you could be putting her through which could maybe have a long term ripple effect. Unless she's a die hard committed to the lifestyle, I dont think aas would really be a good solution for her. There's probably safer more effective remedies, but again i don't know much about the interactions with female hormones. I'll leave that to someone else
There have been millions upon millions of human beings who have broken a limb and healed up quite nicely without the use of AAS or peptides. Just leave it alone. Anymore questions or doubt, direct them at her Doctor.