My homemade test-suspension :)

Jet Labs

Subscriber Supporter
Just brewed up 50mls of test-susp yum yum :p I forgot how much of a bitch susp can be to make if you ain't quick, but it turned out alright. 100mg/ml give or take. Hope you fellas like;)


99% he is filtering solution to sterile water. Other way - it would clump its impossible to filter water into vial that fast. No filter & water will give abcess for sure even if you use thiomerosal.
Looks great! How did you make it?
Can you share the recipe please.
If possible you can make video. Method is important. One clump and it's over. I have found that tren winnie and are still hard to brew with BB.
Did you filter it? After adding water / before / never ?
99% he is filtering solution to sterile water. Other way - it would clump its impossible to filter water into vial that fast. No filter & water will give abcess for sure even if you use thiomerosal.
Do you mean he filtered solution and then added sterile water?

Ok boys this is what i did step for step. First I followed this recipe, but I do it a bit differently as I've done this a few times now and know what's what. Test Suspension (TNE - water based) Recipe

Step 1, Add distilled water and ba to 60ml syringe then filter into sterile vial. Run air through filter to get all the mixture out. Toss filter.

Step 2, Add vent pin to sterile vial and put on hot plate/stove/hot water and keep warm.....warm not boiling!

Step 3, Add powder, bb and ps80 to beaker/pyrex and add heat till solution mixes completely and turns crystal clear.

Step 4, Suck up the HOT mixture and filter into vial(You need to do this step as quickly as humanly possible!)

Step 5, Once filtering is complete shake the vial and watch it turn milky white right in front of your eyes. Shake for a few minutes and that's it.

Note: Do not use shitty filters for this! You will require .22 Whatman PVDF filters. Lesser quality filters will not handle to heat. Step 4 needs to to be done extremely fast because as soon as the mixture starts to cool it will crystalize and then it's game over. The mixture needs to be filtered all at once, you cannot do a few mls at a time unless you want to keep using fresh filters and syringes every time.

Any more questions?
Do you mean he filtered solution and then added sterile water?
No, i think warm sterile water is alerady in vial. Then he filter test in BB/Peg/Gu+Ba+ps80 into vial. Temperature of both solutions should be almost the same. If it's not it depends cometimes its ok and sometimes clumped. Test is ok but 3 I mentioned (tren, winstrol, dht) crash in filter even if BB is 30% (too high for water based) so its like no filter at all...
No, i think warm sterile water is alerady in vial. Then he filter test in BB/Peg/Gu+Ba+ps80 into vial. Temperature of both solutions should be almost the same. If it's not it depends cometimes its ok and sometimes clumped. Test is ok but 3 I mentioned (tren, winstrol, dht) crash in filter even if BB is 30% (too high for water based) so its like no filter at all...

Wrong! You can brew dbol/var/drol/winny/tren no ester the exact same way.
Ok boys this is what i did step for step. First I followed this recipe, but I do it a bit differently as I've done this a few times now and know what's what. Test Suspension (TNE - water based) Recipe

Step 1, Add distilled water and ba to 60ml syringe then filter into sterile vial. Run air through filter to get all the mixture out. Toss filter.

Step 2, Add vent pin to sterile vial and put on hot plate/stove/hot water and keep warm.....warm not boiling!

Step 3, Add powder, bb and ps80 to beaker/pyrex and add heat till solution mixes completely and turns crystal clear.

Step 4, Suck up the HOT mixture and filter into vial(You need to do this step as quickly as humanly possible!)

Step 5, Once filtering is complete shake the vial and watch it turn milky white right in front of your eyes. Shake for a few minutes and that's it.

Note: Do not use shitty filters for this! You will require .22 Whatman PVDF filters. Lesser quality filters will not handle to heat. Step 4 needs to to be done extremely fast because as soon as the mixture starts to cool it will crystalize and then it's game over. The mixture needs to be filtered all at once, you cannot do a few mls at a time unless you want to keep using fresh filters and syringes every time.

Any more questions?
Did you use a temperature gun to check the temp for step 4 before you transfered to vial?
Ok boys this is what i did step for step. First I followed this recipe, but I do it a bit differently as I've done this a few times now and know what's what. Test Suspension (TNE - water based) Recipe

Step 1, Add distilled water and ba to 60ml syringe then filter into sterile vial. Run air through filter to get all the mixture out. Toss filter.

Step 2, Add vent pin to sterile vial and put on hot plate/stove/hot water and keep warm.....warm not boiling!

Step 3, Add powder, bb and ps80 to beaker/pyrex and add heat till solution mixes completely and turns crystal clear.

Step 4, Suck up the HOT mixture and filter into vial(You need to do this step as quickly as humanly possible!)

Step 5, Once filtering is complete shake the vial and watch it turn milky white right in front of your eyes. Shake for a few minutes and that's it.

Note: Do not use shitty filters for this! You will require .22 Whatman PVDF filters. Lesser quality filters will not handle to heat. Step 4 needs to to be done extremely fast because as soon as the mixture starts to cool it will crystalize and then it's game over. The mixture needs to be filtered all at once, you cannot do a few mls at a time unless you want to keep using fresh filters and syringes every time.

Any more questions?
You didn't add all the quantities so I actually checked out your lab!, Looks good buddy!

Gonna give it a try with what it says on your vials...

So displacement is 0.893ml
10% BB = 1ml BB
2% BA = 0.2ml BA
3% PS80 = 0.3ml

1.5ml + 0.893ml = 2.393ml

2.393ml - 10ml = 7.607ml Distilled Water.

I'll do 10ml at a time so I can be as quick as possible and follow your steps. Have you used it a whole lot and do my calculations look right?, Sorry to bump the thread... I'd buy but I am from the UK, thanks.
You didn't add all the quantities so I actually checked out your lab!, Looks good buddy!

Gonna give it a try with what it says on your vials...

So displacement is 0.893ml
10% BB = 1ml BB
2% BA = 0.2ml BA
3% PS80 = 0.3ml

1.5ml + 0.893ml = 2.393ml

2.393ml - 10ml = 7.607ml Distilled Water.

I'll do 10ml at a time so I can be as quick as possible and follow your steps. Have you used it a whole lot and do my calculations look right?, Sorry to bump the thread... I'd buy but I am from the UK, thanks.
@Jet Labs