My Humble Hilma Stash

Damn quite a stockpile.

Curious, howcome you liked Sust over Cyp and Eth?
i just jumped straight into sustanon as my first injectable... i usually always like compounds who cover all bases (such as sustanon mix of esthers).

been doing 5 to 6 injections a week (1250 to 1500mg/w), with 1mg adex every injection

blood pressure normal going on 6 months now (dabbled on some tren and dbol at low doses along the way, but f that, now i know why test is best), did bloods before, but didn't do bloods during, need to do now after

observable side effects: insane libido and shoulder acne, also 6 months on high test transformed me from nice gym goer to "this mf is tryin to bodybuild?"

no hair loss, not my genetics, no prostate enlargement symptoms, pretty much gram of test is free pass at ubermensching this bitch
2 more months in you still running it? Gonna just stay like that forever?

i did a bit of a kitchen sink end of blast for my high test run, was already running test at 1.5g for 6 months... did var at 60mg for 2 months and 2 last weeks dbol and winstrol at 40mg each (4g of NAC to save me organs)

stopped due to kidney pain, anavar caused... cleared for a week and pain went away, treated with some nimesulide the crises

honestly, I love high test, I plan to stay on at least 500mg/w as cruise and at least 1000mg as blast... I just found my sweet spot of 1mg adex for every 250mg of test and no side effects with that ancillary alone
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What’s your thoughts on Hilma?
Honestly, everything I used from them, sust, test prop, dbol, var, winny, adex, everything worked great. Injectables of great quality, after 6 months injecting 6x a week (27g for a great balance of drawing and reducing scar tissue) and very little pip, can count in one hand the number of mild sterile infections which all went away within a day or so