My journey from permabulk to get jacked


Hello everyone, i'm 36yo, made some serious mistakes with my physique in the past (thankfully i'm having no health issues from this ATM) and now i decided to take action and change this and i hope i'll never fall back to the same eating disorders that lead me to look like a momma pig.

I've been to sports since i was 13, i started as an athlete to track and field sports and eventually i've became a shot put thrower and discus thrower. I had to put some mass and already at 15 i ended up being somewhat obese and strong kid benching 225 and squatting 275. After i quit all this due to a broken wrist (third time breaking an arm) i started going into the gym and that's how i become obsessed with lifting, not so much with how i look though, my passion was just being there and doing hours of lifting.

I had my ups n downs, i was gaining and losing weight in an unhealthy way since i was a kid, my first real proper cut (and the last one) was in 2011 when i reached 195 pounds around 13-15% bf. From this cut and for the next 10 years i had only bad times with me gaining weight every year (my ex contributed on that big time, thanks ex) and finally around lockdowns i weigh 310 pounds. Still lifting my socks off, eating 4-5 good meals with chicken rice eggs n stuff but almost every night it was a cheat meal for me and i was eating from pizza, burgers to pancakes and ice creams, many times with alcohol involved.

Then my self esteem took a big hit when i had no interest to flirt around, or going naked to the beach or even look myself in the mirror. Then i decided to change.

So, in the last 3 years i've been dieting pretty hard, going from a deficit to maintenance and back again. Last year i decided to pull the trigger and hop on gear after 19 years natty, it was about time..after deciding to not have kids i planned starting with a cruise dose with just testosterone to test the waters and then going once again in a deficit but this time enhanced. Yeah, i know most ppl say to start your first cycle already lean and going to bulk but honestly i was too tired after every cut, i was brainfogged and energy depleted for a long time, my libido was nonexistent and i didn't want to put through all this again as a natty.

Now at late June 2024 i'm ending my first cycle of 16 weeks with 325 Test-150 Primo and added for the end of my cut anavar 2 weeks at 20mg/day and the last 5 weeks at 40mg/day.

So far so good, i'm pleased with my results. I started my cut at 245 and now i weigh 215 at 6'1. It's the lowest i've been in 13 years. My diet was 2300-2400kcal with the exception of one cheat meal a week (burger n fries) which had me at 3400. I started my cut with one cardio session a day and as the time progressed i reached 3 sessions a day. One fasted in the morning, one after workout and one at night. My current state is not the end of my goal, i know i have more fat to lose and i hope next year to achieve a lower bodyfat.

Now i'm planning to cruise on 200 test 8-10 weeks, then do again an aggressive minicut for 4 weeks to lose couple pounds and prime my body for a slight surplus with a new cycle plan. After more than 3 years of going back and forth at deficit and maintenance i think it's time to put some tissue and boost my metabolism.

As you all can see i have a pretty big amount of loose skin mostly in lower abs and side-low tiddies. For the moment i'm not considering lipo or tummy tuck but eventually at some point maybe i'll think about it.

Feel free to comment everything, i have already been a tough judge to myself so if you think you'll hurt my feelings i've probably beat you to it.


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And this is me i think NOT in my heaviest. I'm probably around 295 here, i can't find any pics of me at 310.


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Wow, that is amazing! You did so good.
What an outstanding feat!
Lower bf? Idk, I think this is great. If I look at you I wouldn't think so.
But hey, that's my preference and you know what's what, for you.
May I add, you are such a humble, nice guy, too.
This is brilliant and well deserved.
Great job man! Keep up the good work. Your hard work shows.

Thanks a lot man, appreciate it!

Wow, that is amazing! You did so good.
What an outstanding feat!
Lower bf? Idk, I think this is great. If I look at you I wouldn't think so.
But hey, that's my preference and you know what's what, for you.
May I add, you are such a humble, nice guy, too.
This is brilliant and well deserved.

Iris, thank you so much! Well, in all honestly if i didn't have that loose skin i'd probably been at my best look. Lower bodyfat in terms of having "room" to grow and add some size.

I never craved ripped to the bone look, especially that stringy and absurdly veiny tren look. I prefer "bubbly" look way more and if this requires to hide some details, let it be. Thanks again for the kind words, really appreciate it!
I never craved ripped to the bone look, especially that stringy and absurdly veiny tren look.

Your lovely girlfriend wouldn't like it, either.
As long as you are healthy and happy, I am sure that's what she wants for you.
As for the loose skin that bothers you, I bet that nobody that sees you IRL would think that. But that's fair, like i said, you know what it's like for you.
Much love to you and your gf and thanks for the reply
Your lovely girlfriend wouldn't like it, either.
As long as you are healthy and happy, I am sure that's what she wants for you.
As for the loose skin that bothers you, I bet that nobody that sees you IRL would think that. But that's fair, like i said, you know what it's like for you.
Much love to you and your gf and thanks for the reply

Actually you're right, my gf met me 2,5 years ago when i was still fat and now she likes the new me (obviously lol) it but bellow this i really doubt it. Cheers :)
Very inspirational brother, @Eddie, that’s some serious dedication and commitment.

The transformation is remarkable, keep us inspired.

Thanks a lot my friend, i'm doing my best honestly. Going on gear keeps me more focused and responsible about my diet and overall lifestyle, keeps me motivated. I guess it won't be forever but i'll go as much as i can from the moment it helps me to reach my goal.
Good job man you came a long way and things will get even better.

For the loose skin a have some suggestions the first being HGH pharma grade if possible does wonders for the skin.

There are lotions that woman apply on the skin after giving birth don't know the exact name but it works to some extent i'm sure you can find it with a little digging around.

Keep this thing rolling i'm in!!!
Great job eddie !! it goes to show you consistently putting in hard work reaps results

Thank you my friend! Exactly, i think i did the best i could given the circumstances, and i'm primed for more. Thanks again!

Good job man you came a long way and things will get even better.

For the loose skin a have some suggestions the first being HGH pharma grade if possible does wonders for the skin.

There are lotions that woman apply on the skin after giving birth don't know the exact name but it works to some extent i'm sure you can find it with a little digging around.

Keep this thing rolling i'm in!!!

Hey man, thank you very much! I've tried some of these creams in the past which i admit they're expensive af and they didn't do anything. They work if you take em early when skin is under stress, once it goes south then you can't do much.

I'm waiting to clean up a little more and then start using HGH. I'm eager to try it for all the benefits.

Thanks for tuning it!
Hey man, thank you very much! I've tried some of these creams in the past which i admit they're expensive af and they didn't do anything. They work if you take em early when skin is under stress, once it goes south then you can't do much.
That sucks as i had hope in them working based on anecdotes.

I feel like after my cut i will have the same problem.
That sucks as i had hope in them working based on anecdotes.

I feel like after my cut i will have the same problem.

Do you have stretch marks to begin with? If not, i don't think it will look deflated much. Also you're already using GH so you're in a better spot than me. There's a point it might look bad (like where i am now) but if you persist losing more bodyfat i think it fixes enough. At least that's what i notice when pros getting down to single digit bf.

Great job Eddie! That’s some seriously impressive results and commitment!

Thanks brother, appreciate the kind words! I hope the best to your journey as well, keep it up!
Amazing weight loss bro, and in for this log!

Looking forward to seeing the continued progress. Keep up the great work brother