Nadrolone Decanoate / Cypionate / Enanthate blend


New Member
Presently, I am getting my testostereone cypionate from a clinic. I inquired about getting nandrolone decanoate to give me some joint pain relief and the clinic told me they are open to doing so (much to my surprise), but that the only form of nandrolone they can source is a tri-blend of Deca / Cyp / Enanthate.

Any of you have experience with the tri-blend? Anything in particular I should be thinking about?

Presently, I take 140 mg of test per week (sub-Q injection every other day). My plan is to add 70 mg of nandrolone per week (sub-Q every other day). Given the frequency of injection, it would guess that, whether I get Deca, NPP or the Tri-blend, it won't matter much in my blood work.

BTW, I realize the small amount of nandrolone I would add isn't going to give me massive gains in the gym. I really am trying to use it for it's joint protecting properties. But, of course, if it helps in the gym, I'm all for it.

Also, I understant that, if I were not taking testosterone, taking nandrolone would lower my testosterone. But, given that I am on a TRT dose of testosterone, will adding the nandrolone do anything to my testosterone blood levels?
Interesting never heard of it before. Maybe they add the shorter esters so the joint relief will kick in quicker. Nandrolone is very suppressive so it will reduce whatever natural test production you have and will make you a bit more sensitive to estrogen.