Need a pro's advice


New Member
hey all,
I need some advice or's a quick history, 41 male 6'4'' 180 lbs 8% bf
Been a athlete my whole life, started my first aas cycle ate age 30, standard 500mg t cyp for 10wk,
followed by standard pct clomid/nolvadex @4wk.....Great gains, Jumped to 220lbs, kept most trained hard...As my aas use increseased I started to become more advanced user, had great help with a friend who was pro and had a ug lab..It was a great ride, followed strict protocols and strict regimen and diet and maintained 245lbs. for about 7-8 years....My friend ,lets just say he's at a federal country club now and the ride is over! So after my last cycle I decided to go natty from here on out...
9 months after finishing cycle and pct, I fell devastatingly ill...Pretty much lost everything I worked so hard to keep....Took my doc 4 months to figure out what the hell type of infection I had...Narly ass gut bug! Then after treatment for infection, I severely crashed...I knew exactlye what it was, my test production gone bye bye! As for the infection causing my T levels to crash, I'm not sure because my levels were stable for almost a year before crashing! After crashing, I was referred over to endo for low level and was monitored for 3 months before starting TRT, although my LH and TT started to rise again on its own, he stared me on 100mg T 1xweek...This brought up TT to 750,
Been there for last 2.5 years...So this is what I'm thinking, since I did start to rebound before TRT,
I would like to try a HTPA jump start to see if I can go natty, but my question is, should I do standard jump start protocol and let my body heal from TRT or do you think I could do a 8 week blast of 500mg cyp to retrieve some gains I lost back then do the jump start protocol? My thinking is that I'm not producing natty at the moment so why not blast real quick then try restart protocol!
Has anyone been in this situation before? If so, please give me your advice or your thoughts before I jump in to blasting and make any decision that I may regret!
Thanks everyone
Or is trying a jump start a lost cause due to being on TRT for2.5 years and my age?
Any ideas about blasting, how much and how long I can due before labs at6 months from endo so not lose TRT for excessive TT levels!