Need advice on my clen and t3 cycle?


New Member
Hi im about to start a Clenbuterol and T 3 cycle but was wondering how much winstrol depot i can cycle with it.

Im planning to run this cycle.

Day 1 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg
Day 2 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg
Day 3 Clen 80mcg / T3 75mcg
Day 4 Clen 100mcg / T3 75mcg
Day 5 Clen 100mcg / T3 75mcg
Day 6 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
Day 7 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
Day 8 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day 9 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day10 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day11 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day12 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day13 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day14 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day15 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
Day16 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
Day17 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
Day18 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
Day19 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
Day20 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
Day21 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
Day22 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day23 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day24 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day25 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day26 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day27 Clen off / T3 125mcg
Day28 Clen off / T3 100mcg
Day29 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
Day30 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
Day31 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
Day32 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
Day33 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
Day34 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
Day35 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
Day36 Clen off / T3 50mcg
Day37 Clen off / T3 50mcg
Day38 Clen off / T3 25mcg
Day39 Clen off / T3 25mcg
Day40 Clen off / T3 25mcg
Day41 Clen off / T3 25mcg
Day42 Clen off / T3 25mcg

so how many mgs of winstrol depot should i take? winstrol depot is 50 mgs so hope yall can help thanx
??? clen is best if you do two weeks on and two weeks off... and becareful running t3 that long, you can seriously damage your thyroid for life if you mess around with t3 the wrong way. me personally, i ran it for 3 on and 3 off. but i've read you can run it up to 5 weeks with 8 weeks off so your thyroid gets back to normal. i get that you want to taper it up and then taper it down but it doesnt take that long
Your t3 protocol is fine. The thyroid is very resilient. I've ran t3 for 3 months at a time and I didn't taper off. I'm fine. I also know of quite of few others that have done this.

For the clen I would run 2 weeks on/2 weeks off. Or get some ketotifen and stay on the clen the whole time. That will really maximize your fat burning.
i dont know anything about adding winstrol man. clen and t3 is one hell of a powerful combo, and if you havent done it before why would you want to throw in winstrol?

and i'm only recommending being careful with the t3 because sure some people have ran it a long time and they're fine but its also a fact that some people who have ran it a long time are not fine.

your cycle is only 6 weeks so i doubt you'll have any problems tho,

i didnt have any ketotifen when i did my cycle so i had to do 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off with the clen. clen down regulates beta receptors which is why you shouldnt run it by itself for more then two weeks. next time i'm going to use ketotifen to run it the whole time because ketotifen up regulates the beta receptors.

but yeah get some ketotifen like toothache said and run that and clen and the t3 the whole time and it'll kick ass. see how you handle it first before adding anything else. when you do, you'll see what i'm talking about. clen/t3 is no joke lol
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O ok Nano The reason why i want to add winstrol/Stanozolol is because i heard that t3 will eat all your muscles so winstrol will protect me from losing alot of muscles. and i was hoping i could get somebody that dones winstrol to help me out and give me some advice.

Im looking for veterans with experience to please comment on this help a newbie out please. (sgt jarhead, trainhard2, getsome, xXGetBigSonXx , BBC3, Michael Scally MD, razorbladecity , Conciliator, ironmanlives79, Dzaster, Lizard King havent seen him post in a while) this the veterans that i think know their stuff please if u reading this help me out with some advice. I wanan learn from the best
O ok Nano The reason why i want to add winstrol/Stanozolol is because i heard that t3 will eat all your muscles so winstrol will protect me from losing alot of muscles. and i was hoping i could get somebody that dones winstrol to help me out and give me some advice.

Im looking for veterans with experience to please comment on this help a newbie out please. (sgt jarhead, trainhard2, getsome, xXGetBigSonXx , BBC3, Michael Scally MD, razorbladecity , Conciliator, ironmanlives79, Dzaster, Lizard King havent seen him post in a while) this the veterans that i think know their stuff please if u reading this help me out with some advice. I wanan learn from the best

Yes, T3 is catabolic. But, studies have shown that clen is Anti-catabolic. So, they should equalize the effects of one another and you should be able to keep the muscle. But, I don't know much about T3 so I can't say for sure.

50mg of Winstrol for 6 weeks is the max I would do. No longer than that. Dr. Scally said that he believes Winstrol to be the most liver toxic AAS there is (on an average dose level, not mg per mg). And yes, the depot version still runs through the liver.
Guys do run t3 that long, but from my experience especially at doses of 100mcg, after a couple of weeks the muscle stores get taxed so much that you become pathetically weak .T3 is very catabolic and it will tax everything,fat and stored nitrogen/glycogen/ATP.
The clen and steroids wont help much to protect the stores.The best steroid to protect the muscles from t3 raiding you muscle stores in theory would be anavar, as it solely promotes the retention of muscle ATP.
You will probably be running a well designed diet and training routine,designed to burn fat.
With a such a low cal. diet with weights and cardo,you'll be depleting your stores significantly with a negative calorie VS expenditure intake.
I really would NOT recommend running t3 straight through as you plan.You will be quite surprised how much leaned and tighter you'll be after only two weeks with t3 and clen and a strict diet and training regimen.
I would suggest you do two weeks on two weeks off with the clen and t3.That'll give you body time to replenish muscle stores so you don't lose to much muscle.
Run the winny straight through.It would be better to run a stack with a longer acting injectable as a bass to ensure more steady blood levels of anabolic hormone Vs the shorter acting up and down levels you will get off of the winny.
A good stack t3/clen for a fat burning cycle would be test/masterone and anavar.

Another problem with running a t3/clen stack with winny could possibly be the cramping issues,as clen and winny are renowned for causing cramping and with the addition of t3 happily depleting all your stores you might encounter nasty cramping issues which can result in injury's
Be sure that you at least include 3-5 grammes a day of taurine in your diet,this will combat the issue of taurine depletion,which can have a very negative impact on heart health.
Also plenty of magnesium and a multivit.
Its not really for somebody to say how much winny you can run safely for how long.Nobody is familiar with the condition of your liver.50mg for six week should be safe.It would be nice if you had a injectable to back up anabolism to go with it.
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The good thing about running T3,is that it burns fat very well and although it dose deplete the muscle and leave it looking flat during the period of T3 use,the muscles fill back up within a couple of weeks of discontinuation of the T3.Leaving you lean and pumped;)
This is by far my favorite cycle!!! I have ran t3 clen stack with winnie for upto 12 weeks with no issues. I started my WInnie at about 30mg ed and worked up to 50mg ed. Drink alot of water and keep your diet clean.


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