Need Advice


New Member
Currently just got off my 500 test e, 300 masteron e, 30mg anavar daily. + Adex 1mg days of injection since my estrogen was running really high
I am now cruising on 200 test, 100 primo for about 8-10 weeks.
The cutting cycle went really well, I lost 40 pounds and I am in the best shape of my life, and for context I plan on running trt, not PCT at all.

Now I'm planning my blast for the bulk season and I just wanna make it safe with good guidance.

Depending on my cruise blood work for the 2:1 test primo ratio ( trying to see how it can effect me so that when I raise dosages for the blast it'll be perfect)
I plan on taking:

600 test c / week
300 primo e / week
25 mg MK-677 Daily
Adex on hand,

Main questions:
-How long can I get away running this cycle for?
-Looking for an explanation on AI's a little more, Like why would somebody use Nolvadex and not Arimadex for example. I have a little bit of puffy nipple and i've had the painful to the touch lumps under the nipple skin like gyno flare ups but once i started the primo and i took like a quarter of an arimadex when i started my cruise and it went right away and my nipples tightened up again so that's a good sign? Obviously I need bloodwork and I plan on getting that.
- Also looking for recommendations for the cycle to add or subtract any compounds all thoughts are greatly appreciated!
I like the cycle, using the same ratio test/primo 2:1 and my estrogen are perfectly in range, but we are all different so check yours during the your cycle and adjust ur doses.

I don't use any AI with those ratios and probably u won't need it as well, primo has strong AI capabilities.
-How long can I get away running this cycle for?
As long as you are healthy and your bloods confirm it. Usually such a mild cycle can be run for long time, but some people have trouble even on TRT. So basically, it all depends on you as an individual as everyone is different.

-Looking for an explanation on AI's a little more, Like why would somebody use Nolvadex and not Arimadex for example. I have a little bit of puffy nipple and i've had the painful to the touch lumps under the nipple skin like gyno flare ups but once i started the primo and i took like a quarter of an arimadex when i started my cruise and it went right away and my nipples tightened up again so that's a good sign? Obviously I need bloodwork and I plan on getting that.
Nolva on cycle is mostly used to stop or prevent gyno from forming, i.e. someone susceptible to gynecomastia, but not sensitive to higher than normal estrogen might consider taking nolvadex to solve his problem, again if he experiences no symptoms of high E. Nolva is selective and adex is inhibitor. Makes sense?

People who are more sensitive to high estrogen side effects like me need to dial in their anti estrogens, in this case it's better to use something like anastrozole (arimidex) to combat the issue as a whole and since I'm not gyno prone on anything, I just need a bit of arimidex and I'm fine.

So again, to repeat it all, nolva = mostly for gyno prone people who otherwise feel good on high estrogen, don't need AI's or in some cases can't even take AI's due to feeling like shit after.

It is the case of no symptoms = nothing to fix.

And yes you need a bloodwork no way around that amigo.

- Also looking for recommendations for the cycle to add or subtract any compounds all thoughts are greatly appreciated!
Throw away mk677, either use real deal hgh or don't use that. That's my opinion, I don't like it and I find it more useless than beneficial.

Have nolvadex on hand and in case of gyno.

I find proviron has pretty strong effect on controlling my estrogen, which is logical since dht's have antagonistic effect to estrogen.

Final thing to mention here is that serious people who are looking to later on advance and use higher dosages, usually get their gyno surgically removed and from there on they eliminate major problem preventing them for fully achieving their potential. Just FYI.

P.S. make sure your shbg is not low or crashed before you consider taking proviron or even strong dht like stanozolol. They have great effect on lowering shbg. You don't want to crash it down.
I like the cycle, using the same ratio test/primo 2:1 and my estrogen are perfectly in range, but we are all different so check yours during the your cycle and adjust ur doses.

I don't use any AI with those ratios and probably u won't need it as well, primo has strong AI capabilities.
Thats probably good for me , i took a good amount of arimadex (so i thought) during my test 600 cycle and was running over 100 on my estrogen for bloodwork. I learned from that and im hoping primo keeps my estrogen down without me having to dose up with adex every other day
As long as you are healthy and your bloods confirm it. Usually such a mild cycle can be run for long time, but some people have trouble even on TRT. So basically, it all depends on you as an individual as everyone is different.

Nolva on cycle is mostly used to stop or prevent gyno from forming, i.e. someone susceptible to gynecomastia, but not sensitive to higher than normal estrogen might consider taking nolvadex to solve his problem, again if he experiences no symptoms of high E. Nolva is selective and adex is inhibitor. Makes sense?

People who are more sensitive to high estrogen side effects like me need to dial in their anti estrogens, in this case it's better to use something like anastrozole (arimidex) to combat the issue as a whole and since I'm not gyno prone on anything, I just need a bit of arimidex and I'm fine.

So again, to repeat it all, nolva = mostly for gyno prone people who otherwise feel good on high estrogen, don't need AI's or in some cases can't even take AI's due to feeling like shit after.

It is the case of no symptoms = nothing to fix.

And yes you need a bloodwork no way around that amigo.

Throw away mk677, either use real deal hgh or don't use that. That's my opinion, I don't like it and I find it more useless than beneficial.

Have nolvadex on hand and in case of gyno.

I find proviron has pretty strong effect on controlling my estrogen, which is logical since dht's have antagonistic effect to estrogen.

Final thing to mention here is that serious people who are looking to later on advance and use higher dosages, usually get their gyno surgically removed and from there on they eliminate major problem preventing them for fully achieving their potential. Just FYI.

P.S. make sure your shbg is not low or crashed before you consider taking proviron or even strong dht like stanozolol. They have great effect on lowering shbg. You don't want to crash it down.
Thank you so much for the influx of information, this is exactly what i was looking for and im hoping you can continue to help me out here LOL

So my plan is to run that cycle for 22 weeks straight. I'll get bloods and take your advice but I saw a ton of posts about just 16 week cycles with primo so i wanted to make sure im not fucking myself.

Yes makes sense! Thank you, it sounds like I should have nolva on hand in case i get flare ups and use Adex as my normal AI if needed for my cycle. Or i could just adjust the primo dosage like you said its good for that. I just dont wanna dose up Adex every other day.. My plan is to see what happens for this cruise (2:1 test primo) get bloods and see where it brings me. Then when i up the doses for the bulk it should balance out hopefully. Correct my logic if im wrong please..

In the case of throwing away my mk-
My plan was to use it for sleep. In context my sleep is fucking shit, i get 6 hours but i wake up all the time. I just took a sleep apnea test so we'll see how that goes. Do you have any recommendations on an oral instead that I could use to start my cycle that wont throw off estrogen *too* much? I know you recommended stanozolol but for a bulk? Or any suggestions in replacement of mk (other then a $1,000 gh kit). I definitely have to do some research on slin pills and growth hormone but i thought mk as a sarm would be a good start.

Thank you so much again for your replies!

(I gotta do some research on shbg, I dunno what that is to be completely straight up. I feel like im constantly learning even when I *think* i know a lot lol)
Currently just got off my 500 test e, 300 masteron e, 30mg anavar daily. + Adex 1mg days of injection since my estrogen was running really high
I am now cruising on 200 test, 100 primo for about 8-10 weeks.
The cutting cycle went really well, I lost 40 pounds and I am in the best shape of my life, and for context I plan on running trt, not PCT at all.

Now I'm planning my blast for the bulk season and I just wanna make it safe with good guidance.

Depending on my cruise blood work for the 2:1 test primo ratio ( trying to see how it can effect me so that when I raise dosages for the blast it'll be perfect)
I plan on taking:

600 test c / week
300 primo e / week
25 mg MK-677 Daily
Adex on hand,

Main questions:
-How long can I get away running this cycle for?
-Looking for an explanation on AI's a little more, Like why would somebody use Nolvadex and not Arimadex for example. I have a little bit of puffy nipple and i've had the painful to the touch lumps under the nipple skin like gyno flare ups but once i started the primo and i took like a quarter of an arimadex when i started my cruise and it went right away and my nipples tightened up again so that's a good sign? Obviously I need bloodwork and I plan on getting that.
- Also looking for recommendations for the cycle to add or subtract any compounds all thoughts are greatly appreciated!
Adex is good but will make your lipid panel a disaster. Aromasin at 25 mg daily is preferred for a more long term use. They both work but have different lab results with regards to cholesterol. As far as gyno is concerned, you are better of with DHT derivatives with test. They act as AI’s as well so likely primo, masteron would help with that. Nolva only blocks receptors in breast tissue so esterdiol numbers will be unaffected by nolv. You don’t want to totally crash esterdiol either. It helps with muscle growth and libido. So that is why most use both, to keeps some esterdiol yet avoid gyno. This is something that is adjusted according to how much you aromatize naturally.