need legit cialis/possibly t3


These research labs are irritating me, in that I either:

1. Cannot find reviews/enough reviews on their products.

2. They seem too good to be true, and I'm not willing to buy in.

Can enough people vouch for CEM-meso? I'm skeptical and have never used them. Don't mind if you give me info through a PM either... thanks guys :)
I've never received bad tadalafil from any research company.
I would never use research t3; Pharm is cheap and readily available.
Purchasepeptides was always g2g for me.
I've taken clen, t3, tadalafil, GW501516, and ostarine from them. (I don't recommend sarms - save your money)
T3 never sat well with me, and it always seems very underdosed, but I don't think it's the company so much as it is that T3 is pretty unstable.
I would agree with @noswttea4u go with pharma for T3!
Thanks, this is for a tren/test/mast cycle. Need for BP and thyroid function
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My issue is I don't want to buy a ton of t3 to meet a minimum purchase or something, if I can find a good source for both that's what I'm needing here. I didn't think about the t3 when I had made the main purchase :(
All that I have read about cialis, I've come to the conclusion that I get the symptoms that it treats due to AAS induced hypertension while running tren. Also, I've noticed a pattern when my BP spikes, the muscle that contracts when you stop the flow of urine gets a painful cramp, which happens every time I piss. ALWAYS when my BP is above 140/90. As far as the need for t3, a small 12.5mcg/ed would most likely help me out while ona cycle considering the bloods I had taken a year ago while running tren indicated a small decrease in hormone output. I honestly don't know where you get off jumping on my thread like that @Dr JIM I have a pretty good reason to medically need both if I'm going to run another. Which I am.
A low dose of 5mg per day of cialis may help quite a bit with the ED associated with high blood pressure also, which I do get often on cycle.

where there is a problem there is a solution. In this case it's more like a course correction in my mind. If I can experiment and see what is causing this issue, I will. If this doesn't work, I likely will not use tren again.

One primary purpose of this board is education isn't it? You're very knowledgeable, if you think you know something I don't about what is happening, please, do tell. I would love the input. The scientist in me won't let me back down from experimenting. Better to not get hurt in the process though, it's unlikely this could harm me in anyway. Hence, me looking for real cialis. Not potential cyanide suspension in a bottle, ya know?
All that I have read about cialis, I've come to the conclusion that I get the symptoms that it treats due to AAS induced hypertension while running tren. Also, I've noticed a pattern when my BP spikes, the muscle that contracts when you stop the flow of urine gets a painful cramp, which happens every time I piss. ALWAYS when my BP is above 140/90. As far as the need for t3, a small 12.5mcg/ed would most likely help me out while ona cycle considering the bloods I had taken a year ago while running tren indicated a small decrease in hormone output. I honestly don't know where you get off jumping on my thread like that @Dr JIM I have a pretty good reason to medically need both if I'm going to run another. Which I am.

If you have a "pretty good reason" to use either a sub-therapeutic dose of T3-4 or Cialis as a remedy for AAS associated ED or HTN, you're a LONG WAY from justifying such therapy.

For instance what do you believe will happen to your endogenous thyroxine secretion when T3-4 supplementation occurs?

Well, for purpose of experimentation. And excuse me for earlier, I took your post as condescending. I'm not the typical idiot despite me being new here. I know what you're assuming based on your comment. I'll explain further... I want to use that to start with, as I see 25mcg/ed and 10mg/ed seem to be the beginning for others, adjusting as I go. I can get bloods for 5$ thanks to a friend of mine who works in a clinic near me. I want to see my body's reaction to these doses once I develope symptoms, and move up from there. that reminds me, I haven't asked if she has any means of testing them to be sure... I'll take the suggestion to use pharmacy grade. I just don't want these or any diagnoses on my permanent health record, so a doctor will not be writing a prescription. This is out of our curiosity and I will not go to the extreme dosages for either, as I understand the consequences that could render
For instance what do you believe will happen to your endogenous thyroxine secretion when T3-4 supplementation occurs?

So the answer to my question is ?

And the reason you wont see a DOCTOR is a blotch on YOUR MEDICAL RECORD!
Now I've heard it all, NUTS

Enjoy the "experiment"
last tren cycle:

Tren ace 50mg/ed
Test prop/25mg/ed

No progesterone issues, mild e2 rise, used adex @ .25 eod, worked fine.

Hcg @250ui 2x/w for the last two weeks of cycle

3 days after last pin, hcg @ 500ui/eod for 10 days,

Clomid/nolva began day of last hcg pin

(Endogenous test absolutely destroyed at this point)
Clomid 150mg/ed week 1
100/ed week 2 and 3
50mg week 4

Nolva 40 week 1
20mg week 2.

Two months after pct completion testosterone was above pre-cycle condition and has stayed that way. Thyroid came back up find as well. This is the (possibly) reasoning in my title. Not sure I care to bother with it. But I'd like to...
I haven't gone to one yet because nothing is wrong. It is all AAS induced and goes away upon cessation quite rapidly
I don't have problems until the compound is in my system. If there is a way to combat I'd like to find it with the valuable tools at my disposal rather than give up and drop tren. I would hate to do that
The answer you're wanting from me is that my endogenous thyroxine levels will plummet. Correct? The thing is, it is only induced by an external cause. normally, its fine. If an external compound causes it, I could correct it with an external compound also, during that same time frame. once I drop the tren, the t3 needs to be tapered as I have come to understand.
The answer you're wanting from me is that my endogenous thyroxine levels will plummet. Correct? The thing is, it is only induced by an external cause. normally, its fine. If an external compound causes it, I could correct it with an external compound also, during that same time frame. once I drop the tren, the t3 needs to be tapered as I have come to understand.

Oh I see, enjoy your experiment!