Need Pct Help


New Member
just finished week 10 of test e 250/eod Thursday. Could I keep going and for how long it should I start pct in 13 more days. Got good gains, but would have liked to have seen a little more, got real busy with work so diet was a little lighter:(

Just trying to figure out what's best and get some input from more experienced members. Have clomid and nolva on hand For pct. used armidex .25 eod on cycle....
I would continue up until 12 week test e and then run 4 weeks of test prop eod (1.4ml if 100mg/ml) and pct as normal after last test prop shot.

Actually this is what I will do for 2nd cycle.
I would continue up until 12 week test e and then run 4 weeks of test prop eod (1.4ml if 100mg/ml) and pct as normal after last test prop shot.

Actually this is what I will do for 2nd cycle.

That is what I am doing THIS cycle I am on right now. I wouldn't ever run Test for any less than 12 weeks at a time. It takes 4-5 weeks to kick in, THEN you start feeling the effects. Kick it on up to 12-16 weeks!