Need some help with low test


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Hey, guys. I'm 20 years old and recently came out of some hefty shit in my life. I was going through alcohol withdrawal, panic attacks, severe anxiety, high stress, and a major depressive episode. During that time I had also put on 20 lbs (all which were directed into my gut).

I recently got some blood work done because I literally felt like I had been neutered... I just felt like an old man and not as masculine as I'm used to being.

Of course, the docs claim there is absolutely nothing wrong. I concur because not only are my T levels low, but my E is elevated to a good degree. I have every symptom of low test, my balls had shrunk, my libido is flatlined, my erections aren't rock hard anymore (and it seems they measure an 1 1/2 inch shorter), I was volatile, scatter-brained, anxiety driven, PMS'ing, hot flashes, you get the picture.

Anyhow, I am currently on Clomiphene 50mg EOD. I loaded 100mg for the initial two days. I can definitely tell that my test levels are boosting up. I find it easier to focus, a lot more energy, nerves have calmed down, testicles have swollen up to more normal size, confidence has increased, and the acne is real.

Unfortunately, I don't feel 100% and my libido is still absent it's been almost three weeks. I'm going to see an endo at the end of the month and am going to ask for more blood work and ask to be prescribed an AI (Aromasin or Arimidex) and possibly nolvadex. That is, if you guys recommend it.

My question is, should I add either or both into my routine? By the time I get the prescriptions I will be about a month into Clomid treatment.

Here's the blood work pre-Clomid treatment

Alpha Fetoprotein - 2.2 <6.1 ng/mL
FSH - 2.1 - 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL
LH - 1.9 - 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL
T3, Total - 156 - 76-181 ng/dL
T4, Total - 7.7 - 4.5-12.0 mcg/dL
TSH - 2.06 - 0.4-4.5 mIU/L
Estradiol - 57 (!) - < OR = 39 pg/mL
Testosterone, Total - 324 ng/dL
Testosterone, Free - 61.2 pg/mL

Current stack:

Clomiphene 50mg every night before bed
Zinc Gluconate 50mg every night before bed
Vitamin E 400iu once daily
Vitamin D 2000-4000iu once daily
Fish oil 300mg Omega 3 five times daily
Controlled Labs Orange Triad once daily (1 serving size)

Other supplements I have if beneficial to use:
DHEA (tablet form)
Creatine hcl
Whey protein
Thinking about getting DAA as well

Lifestyle changes:
Intermittent fasting 16 off, 8 on with caloric deficit
High protein, medium fat (especially saturated), low-medium carb (especially cruciferous vegetables) diet
Cardio and calisthenics 2-4 times weekly (not currently weight training)
Cold showers twice daily
Complete abstinence from pron and masturbation

Any ideas what could be ****ing up my HPTA axis? High stress? I'm trying to do every thing I can do maximize my testosterone levels currently. Need some insight guys. Thanks ahead of time.