New guy on trt


New Member
Porkchop here, been lurking since I got diagnosed with low t at the beginning of 2016. I don't remember my inital test results much, total t was like 209 on a range of 200 to 900 I think. Free t was at the very bottom of range also, but don't remember how much. First doc said everything was in range, so he wasn't interested in putting me on hrt. So I switched to a new doc that day. Lady doc this time, wanted me to be atleast 1000 total t, but made me come in for a 200 mg shot of test e weekly. She refused to do anything about aromitization. After a month my total t was in the 900's, but e2 was at like 107. My dick was dead, my wife was pissed, and I felt like ass.She was peddling implants, and assured me if I switched, that there would be no estrogen sides. I said f that, and switched again. I really started studying trt at this point, and got educated on doctor scams, t dosing, and whatnot. Got a new doc within a few weeks that would prescribe me t. She was actually fairly knowledgeable about trt, and we could talk for hours on dosing protocols, or anything else really. She also wanted me to have a total t around 1000. She's very health conscious, so I was doing bloodwork monthly. Luckily I had decent insurance, so it wasn't costing me too much. She was very anti AI, and wanted me to take DIM, and to get my body fat down as much as possible. I'm a strength trainer, 5'11 and weighed about 255 at about 20% bf at the time. This is back in March of this year. She insisted I go on an almost vegetarian diet, stop lifting, and do only cardio. Yeah right. Anywho, I agree to get my scrip, and start test c at 200mg a week, pinning 3x a week subq per recommendations on Dr. Crisler's forum. I dieted down to 225lbs, and taking DIM + calcium d glucarate, I got my e2 down to 60. Total test was mid 900s, but she had issues with my free test being high. Still said I was too fat, wanted me below 200lbs based on bmi calculations (gag), and wanted me to get a therapeutic plebotomy because my hemoglobin was getting high (50). Well, last month, my hemoglobin had climbed to a 54, and she stops treatment cold turkey. I just got laid off, no insurance, and now no testosterone. Fml. Well, I've gotten my hemoglobin down with platelet donations, I feel like ass again. No energy, no libido, taking RC cialis to keep the wife happy (eventhough she can't handle cialis boners), I'm losing mass cause I'm a bitch with low t, can't make myself go lift, so here I am researching where to start self medicating.
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Man im gonna have to read all this later and get back to you.

But a quick note. It doesnt sound like you know what you are doing. Thats fine we all started with little knowledge. That being said zero knowledge + self medicating= disaster

Welcome aboard
Not sure I'm following you about not knowing what I'm doing, but I'd say I'm moving in the right direction. Not trying to pin a gram a week, just want high normal levels. I aromatize exogenous t quickly, so I traded 1x weekly injections for 3x, and it seemed to help alot, if just to keep my serum concentrations level. I've never used an AI because none of my doctors would prescribe one, but taking DIM and getting my bf% down has seemed to help with e2. I know stopping cold turkey wrecked me, thus why I'm not going back to the doc I was seeing. That's why I'm here. I know what dosage of T I need, but Ive got to find an AI, possibly some hcg, and the T itself. I've crashed my hpta going on t, and I never thought I'd be just yanked off of it with no warning, and no pct.