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New Member
Hey guys doing my name's Fred. I'm from Southern new Hampshire. I'm at 36-year-old male. I've had 4 right shoulder surgeries and I'm on the tail end of having my ACL MCL and meniscus done so I'm going to be taking it easy on legs for a while still, but I am in the middle of trying to get my 4th cycle started, but I'm having trouble getting my hands on proper SupplementS. I had a local source who was supposed to be reliable with great gear, but I'm going on 3 weeks now it was supposed to be over 2 weeks ago that it would have been taken care of. So I've lost faith in that. I just had twin girls this year and am looking to gain the weight back I was around 198 lb and just a hair under 6 ft and when I weighed myself last month I was 162 lbs.. So because of an insane amount of stress that I can't get into I lost close to 50 lb last year I stopped my last cycle last September. I was the strongest and healthiest I've ever been by far I felt great. So since the weight loss I've obviously been concerned and was honest with my primary dr. so I've had multiple blown work tests done, x-rays,all sorts of stuff and my doctor has attributed 90% if not all of its stress I've had a lot of bad acid reflux vomiting issues like that that have started to slow down thank God, but I just had an upper endoscopy this past Thursday and I'm ready to go now so I have already started gaining some weight back I'm already back up to about 176 but I want to be a solid 205-215 at a minimum by end of December. Anyway that's my basic story as it stands right now I hope to gain some knowledge and more info from the site Thanks guys
Like they said. Man id like to help where i can. I dont support anyone and i dont sell anything. But my help with navigating through this forumn is free. I know how hard it is to find something everyone agrees on. Well that is the point everyone has a view. Good or bad. Feel free to pm me for help with the forumn. The final decisisions will always be yours. There is quality premade and raws here. Top reps who wont take your cash and spend it on coke and hookers. And there is shit gear here too and reps who are just here to use you to pay off their house. Look. Look. Look.