New Member: 12 month Plan Review


New Member
Subject: Seeking Guidance on My 12-Month Body Transformation Plan

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to join this community and look forward to both sharing my journey and learning from all of you. A bit about myself: I'm a 44-year-old male, standing at 6 feet tall, weighing 210 lbs with approximately 15% body fat. I have been on TRT (240 /week) for several years.

In shaping my 12-month transformation strategy, I'm targeting a dual-phased approach to align with the seasons, optimizing for a leaner physique during the summer months and focusing on bulking during the winter. My summer goal is to sculpt my body down to around 10% body fat, emphasizing definition and vascularity. Concurrently, I aim to increase my muscle mass by approximately 10 lbs, striking a balance between lean muscle gains and maintaining a trimmer waistline.

Currently, I am three weeks into my first advanced cycle and have been motivated by the positive outcomes so far. This plan is a careful calibration to not only meet the aesthetic benchmarks I've set for myself but also to ensure that I am able to transition into a bulk effectively as the colder months set in, which will involve a tailored increase in caloric intake and adjusted supplement regimen to support mass gains.

This cyclical approach is designed to be responsive to the changing needs of my body throughout the year, with the understanding that goals are dynamic and the methods to achieve them must be adaptable.

Current Regimen: (3 weeks in)

  • Testosterone: 440 mg weekly
  • Anavar: 20 mg daily
  • HCG: 25 units weekly
Planned Cycle Adjustments:

  • January to March: Discontinue Anavar and introduce a peptide (CJ-1295), maintaining 440 mg of testosterone and 25 units of HCG weekly.
  • April to June: Resume Anavar and cease peptides, continuing the current cycle.
  • October to December: Drop Anavar and implement a Deca cycle for additional bulking.
Seeking Your Expert Feedback:While I am pleased with my progress, I have a few questions and concerns moving forward:

  1. Is it advisable to maintain my testosterone at 440 mg weekly, or should I consider lowering the dose during certain periods or PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)?
  2. Am I engaging in an effective PCT strategy?
  3. Is my HCG dosage sufficient?
  4. Should there be a specific ratio of HCG to testosterone that I need to follow, or is the dosing more subjective and tailored to individual response?
I am entirely open to and appreciative of any feedback, advice, or personal experiences that could help me optimize my plan.

Thank you in advance for your support and guidance.
Lots of big words and obsessive details about drugs but no mention of food.

Opens with TRT for several years then ends with questions regarding PCT.. are you coming off completely or confused to what a pct is used for?
Lots of big words and obsessive details about drugs but no mention of food.

Opens with TRT for several years then ends with questions regarding PCT.. are you coming off completely or confused to what a pct is used
I do not possess the ability to read minds and know every possible question someone might have. I did not include my nutrition or workout regimen... as this is a STEROID forum. . But happy to share if needed. My Macros Protein ~200 Grams, moderate Fat and moderate Carbs.

I am looking for what PCT would be suitable... am I thinking about it right.

Now... Are you going provide something helpful or just continue to being a useless DB?
Subject: Seeking Guidance on My 12-Month Body Transformation Plan

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to join this community and look forward to both sharing my journey and learning from all of you. A bit about myself: I'm a 44-year-old male, standing at 6 feet tall, weighing 210 lbs with approximately 15% body fat. I have been on TRT (240 /week) for several years.

In shaping my 12-month transformation strategy, I'm targeting a dual-phased approach to align with the seasons, optimizing for a leaner physique during the summer months and focusing on bulking during the winter. My summer goal is to sculpt my body down to around 10% body fat, emphasizing definition and vascularity. Concurrently, I aim to increase my muscle mass by approximately 10 lbs, striking a balance between lean muscle gains and maintaining a trimmer waistline.

Currently, I am three weeks into my first advanced cycle and have been motivated by the positive outcomes so far. This plan is a careful calibration to not only meet the aesthetic benchmarks I've set for myself but also to ensure that I am able to transition into a bulk effectively as the colder months set in, which will involve a tailored increase in caloric intake and adjusted supplement regimen to support mass gains.

This cyclical approach is designed to be responsive to the changing needs of my body throughout the year, with the understanding that goals are dynamic and the methods to achieve them must be adaptable.

Current Regimen: (3 weeks in)

  • Testosterone: 440 mg weekly
  • Anavar: 20 mg daily
  • HCG: 25 units weekly
Planned Cycle Adjustments:

  • January to March: Discontinue Anavar and introduce a peptide (CJ-1295), maintaining 440 mg of testosterone and 25 units of HCG weekly.
  • April to June: Resume Anavar and cease peptides, continuing the current cycle.
  • October to December: Drop Anavar and implement a Deca cycle for additional bulking.
Seeking Your Expert Feedback:While I am pleased with my progress, I have a few questions and concerns moving forward:

  1. Is it advisable to maintain my testosterone at 440 mg weekly, or should I consider lowering the dose during certain periods or PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)?
  2. Am I engaging in an effective PCT strategy?
  3. Is my HCG dosage sufficient?
  4. Should there be a specific ratio of HCG to testosterone that I need to follow, or is the dosing more subjective and tailored to individual response?
I am entirely open to and appreciative of any feedback, advice, or personal experiences that could help me optimize my plan.

Thank you in advance for your support and guidance.
It Is hard a PCT After all those years, you could have suppressed the production, so It Is the way welcome on board Bro!
It Is hard a PCT After all those years, you could have suppressed the production, so It Is the way welcome on board Bro!
Thanks! I think I need to do a better job at defining my PCT goals. I am fine being on Test for life, however I am trying to cycle High and low amounts to try and reduce harm.