New Member/30yr Female/2nd Var Cycle


New Member
Hi all, my name is Nicole. I'm 30 years old. On my 2nd Var cycle. I'm here for research purposes on my next cycle. Posted a few pics from January to current (pink shorts).SquarePic_20230719_08075658.jpgIMG_20230705_125558_090.jpgSnapchat-52586978.jpg
welcome. you look strong. what was your last cycle? stats? training program?
Thank you! Last cycle was also only Var, 10mg x 6weeks, this cycle I started first 2 weeks at 10mg, then went to 20mg, I'm on week 4 now. I'm attempting Gamma Bomb by John Meadows, on week 2 of that, before I was doing a basic PPL, my friend who competes suggested I start it now, even tho I'm almost done this cycle. He also suggested running primo immediately after this var cycle. But I was looking into maybe a very low dose of test p(?) But I'd have to be off for a couple weeks, I believe to let my liver recoup (right?). Not sure yet, I've been researching my next steps on here lol.
Thank you! Last cycle was also only Var, 10mg x 6weeks, this cycle I started first 2 weeks at 10mg, then went to 20mg, I'm on week 4 now. I'm attempting Gamma Bomb by John Meadows, on week 2 of that, before I was doing a basic PPL, my friend who competes suggested I start it now, even tho I'm almost done this cycle. He also suggested running primo immediately after this var cycle. But I was looking into maybe a very low dose of test p(?) But I'd have to be off for a couple weeks, I believe to let my liver recoup (right?). Not sure yet, I've been researching my next steps on here lol.
Are you looking to compete or just generally improve you physique? How long have you been working out, seems like you are more than casual gym goer.
Are you looking to compete or just generally improve you physique? How long have you been working out, seems like you are more than casual gym goer.
I've been dialed into training for 1.5 years, prior I was just in and out of the gym, not lifting like I am now, but I've always been active, played softball for 15 years and lacrosse for 10. I told my dad when I was around 10 that I wanted to be a bodybuilder was always too intimidated to actually start until I said fuck it and went all in. I'm doing this for pure aesthetic purposes right now, competing has crossed my mind but it's not my main purpose. I think my body type just looks better with some bulky muscle . I also just love lifting and the discipline that comes with training and bettering yourself.
I've been dialed into training for 1.5 years, prior I was just in and out of the gym, not lifting like I am now, but I've always been active, played softball for 15 years and lacrosse for 10. I told my dad when I was around 10 that I wanted to be a bodybuilder was always too intimidated to actually start until I said fuck it and went all in. I'm doing this for pure aesthetic purposes right now, competing has crossed my mind but it's not my main purpose. I think my body type just looks better with some bulky muscle . I also just love lifting and the discipline that comes with training and bettering yourself.
awesome good luck on your journey, tons of knowledge and info here.