New Member Checking-in


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm a 36 year old male, on TRT for the past 2 years, and have run 2 cycles in that time frame. I've never used anything besides testosterone and HCG. My TRT dose is between 125 and 175mg/week and I've titrated up to 525mg/week during my 2 "blasts".

I've been lurking on this and other forums since I realized how much cheaper UGL test is after about 3 months with a clinic when I first started. My goals are to build as much muscle as possible (without too much body fat) while feeling great in my day to day life and keeping my health markers in check. So far, I have had basically zero side effects from even my highest doses of test and I've been satisfied with the results from those test only blasts. I'm open to using other compounds if at some point I'm unable to get the desired effects from increasing my test dose, assuming a new compound doesn't produce intolerable side effects (my threshold for "intolerable" is pretty low).

I have a Masters' degree in a research based field and reading the literature on anabolics and other PED's has become a hobby of mine. It's also helped me proceed in my muscle building journey as safely as possible, while never suffering from unwanted effects. I'm here to learn more about how to go about getting big and lean as safely as possible. Please ask me anything, I'm open to discuss whatever.