New member from Canada

John Woodlawn

New Member
Hello all, I've been browsing / learning here for a few months and figured I'd make an actual intro post.

I'm a family man in my early 40s located in Canada, been working out for about 11 years now. Not a bodybuilder by any stretch at 6' / 170lbs, but live quite a healthy lifestyle and enjoy the gym as I equate it to medicine for both my mind and body.

This site is appealing to me to learn more about a few things, in particular peptides for healing as well as trt. I've been hovering in the 400-550 ng/dl (14-19 nmol/L) range for years now, and the last year or so my libido / sleep / recovery has gone to shit so I've decided to research things a but more (most recent bloods are 9ish months ago).

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Welcome to MESO! Good luck on your research and journey into peptides/TRT. One suggestion, if that's your real name, you may want to change to some type of handle/nickname.
Welcome to MESO! Good luck on your research and journey into peptides/TRT. One suggestion, if that's your real name, you may want to change to some type of handle/nickname.
Thanks! No worries, it's definitely not my real name. It was an old joke with some buddies when we were young about how you determine what your porn star name would be.. (Your dad's middle name + your childhood street name).
Welcome fellow Canadian! Tons of valuable info here, I find myself on almost daily new rabbit holes to go down.