New Member Intro


New Member
Hi everyone - am finally a registered member after months of lurking and reading around the boards. My goal is to share experiences and gain better understanding of body/mind health through discussion with like minded and knowledgeable people. I am passionate about dietary nutrition along with supplements and their relation to physical and psychological well-being. I also have a background in medical massage therapy. Cheers!
Awesome, welcome to the Meso!

There is no enough talking about diet, it must be repeated over and over again how important it is and that it's the key to successfully reaching goals, regardless if one uses steroids to take advantage or not. Diet is and always will be number one.

So hop in forums and start posting, you might learn something new yourself in the process.
Awesome, welcome to the Meso!

There is no enough talking about diet, it must be repeated over and over again how important it is and that it's the key to successfully reaching goals, regardless if one uses steroids to take advantage or not. Diet is and always will be number one.

So hop in forums and start posting, you might learn something new yourself in the process.
Thanks for the welcome! Definitely learning lots and appreciating the depth of information in threads all over the boards. Love the ground level input and feedback from people who are involved and devotedly in tune with their bodies beyond just mainstream hearsay or medical book smarts. Got double digits of tabs open just reading and catching up with all kinds of topics this last week, hah. Glad to be here.