New member intro


New Member
Thanks for having me on the forum. I'm 42. Natural to date. Live in Australia.

I'm 5'11 and as an adult I've been around 68kg (150ish pounds), always slim, vascular, <10% body fat. An ectomorph/'hard-gainer'.

I've been going to gyms since my mid-20s (2-3 times a week) for general health and have been grappling since my mid-30s. I prioritised grappling over the last 7 years, with only one or two weights sessions a week for strength and injury-resistance for grappling (rather than growth). Now I'm motivated to focus on building muscle as the priority.

As of today I'm at 73kg (160 pounds). I'm interested in considering a moderate approach to androgens while keeping close check on health, especially heart-related. I'll be looking out for information on the many sub-forums to weigh pros and cons, while I'm collecting various health test results to establish baseline data.