New Member Intro

Diana Boller

New Member
Hello Meso,

Yes, my profile pic is Princess Diana absolutely jacked to the gills. As of today, I'm in my early-mid 20s. Been working out 4-6x a week for 5 years this fall, (and creeping on the MesoRx forum for about a year). I've been interested in anabolics for the last 3 years. Watched the videos, read some of the PubMed research, and heard about "the forums". Studied neuroscience and bio in college (even wrote my Psychopharmacology paper on anabolics lol), but have yet to delve into the sauce, for the obvious reason of wanting to gather as much information as I can get my sweaty calloused hands on so I can understand each agent and avoid the sides amap.

My goals are simple: be as big and strong as I can be...safely.
Hey man, cool name lol. Good thinking, try and learn even more. Eventually you will feel ready to do it. Welcome.