new member introduction


New Member

I've been lifting for about 10 years but training seriously for 5 years. By "seriously" I just mean actually taking nutrition into account and training more intelligently, if that makes sense. I'm relatively new to PED usage; I have a little over a year of experience. I'm far more concerned with dieting, training, and health.

My stats are:
Age: 23
Height: 5'9
Weight: 236lbs
S/B/D: 535/ 365/ 565 (these are 1RM's, although I don't really max anymore, so the numbers are dated by a few years)

I believe in doing bloodwork and I don't understand why someone would get bloods and not share them, I intend to upload post cycle bloods as often as possible just to kind of do my part.

Looking forward to what engaging with the board has to offer!