New Member Introduction


New Member
Hello everyone,
I'm not really chuffed on having to use technology, so here goes.
I am a 36 yr old female, 5' 8" 162 lbs. I started going to the gym after I lost my husband 4 yrs ago. I have PTSD & severe depression & going to the gym is the only thing that allows for me to feel like I have any control in this shitty life. I am mostly a recluse, I read a lot and meal prep (as I am sure you all do). I live in an extremely rural area, I love the forest and my garden and any moment of peace I can get. I don't really like talking to people, so this is a huge step for me.
I decided to go on gear last year, at first it was just anavar, then I hoped onto anavar & winstrol. Once I was at 40mg of var & 30 mgs of winny I decided to go on Turinabol 20mgs. That was my last cycle, about 7 weeks ago. My goal is to hopefully be 189/191 and I was just looking for any suggestions anyone has about maybe what compound I should try next. I have had good results from everything so far but I want to switch to jabs to save on my liver.
I am interested in running test alongside something else and I just really would appreciate anyone's advice on their experiences.
Oh yeah, my caloric intake is 2,557 a day & protien 192g. I mix up my workouts every 8 weeks or so. From heavy weights & lower reps, to as heavy as I can at higher reps. My dad was a powerlifter for 16 yrs and he has helped me to make sure my form is correct and that I am making sure I hit full range of motion. My split is usually back/biceps, triceps/chest, calves/abs/forearms, legs, shoulders, legs. So I train 6 days a week. Cardio twice every day which is walking for 30 min at 3mph at a 12% incline. I am not disillusion, I know that this process takes time & I am not expecting any short cuts. Hopefully that is hepful enough as an introduction. Thank you for any support!
Hi, It sounds like your pretty experienced all around. Looking at your goal, jumping up around 30 pounds of muscle will take some work and probably require more calories as well. I would recommend maybe just a mild cycle of injectable primo with some anavar. Maybe EQ and deca if you are wanting even more. I would drop the winny unless your needing to cut body fat or ramp up cardio. I would stay away from long-estered anabolic steroids (Enanthate, Cypionate, Decanoate, Undecylenate, etc.), as they present difficulty in controlling blood plasma levels of the hormones. Make sure you get some labs done to make sure your levels are good before and during. lastly, I would also recommend a to get a new clean bulk plan with workouts to match the diet just to mix it up.
Thank you so much for the response mate. I am doing my best with all this & really trying to gain as much knowledge as I can before cycling anything. I realize the 30 lbs isn't probably even going to happen within a year, but maybe depending on what I cycle & bulking plan! We shall see.
Do you think I could stack turinabol with the primo instead of the var? I have a bit & I was planning to cycle again. I would love to use that up before buying something else. I have some bottles of test propionate that I was thinking of using for this next cycle as well... would you suggest that I stack that at a later date to see how my body responds to the primo & tbol first? I had labs done a few months ago after my last cycle to check in and everything was reading at normal range. I will be getting more labs done after my next cycle which I will be starting in a few more weeks.
The meal plan to compliment the work outs seems like a definte way to mix it up a bit, something new is always decent.
Anytime! Thats smart that your taking your time and doing research before jumping in it. Test prop is pretty powerful on women, It’s not recommend for your first cycle injecting. you would gain mass quickly on it but also comes with harsher side effects. Some you may or may not care about but like the other high androgen tests it could give you more manly features (not sure if you care) body/face hair, facial changes, deep voice, ect.. But It’s fast acting but short lived ester so its recommended to inject every day or every other day to maintain levels. That’s going to be hard for someone starting out as well to inject that often. Also, it’s known for higher injection pains so with virgin injected muscels and limited injection sites may make it difficult to see through the cycle. I see It’s more for advanced users that could use slim pins injecting in areas like the delts and quads. The good side is that if you did use it and had some bad side effects it would be out of your system quickly In a couple days.
I would still recommend primo and tbol over it where you would only need to inject primo once/twice a week. Tbol or anavar works similar so either would work as a stacking compound. It would allow you to gain mass but slower but less side effects and maintain a female figure (again unless you don’t care). Overall you should see some great results if on a mild cycle like primo and tbol. But yeah def mix it up with a meal plan to match your workout plan.
From what I had researched, the tbol, seemed to be pretty similar to var, so thank you for the confirmation of that. Perfect. Defintely had to know about the test prop. I figured I would cycle .5mL but maybe I will wait a bit longer for that. I defintely don't care about the potential masculine side effects. At this point in my life I just want to get as big as I can, I'm really interested in seeing what my body could do. Jabbing that many times definitely seems like a ballache for a beginner, so for now I am going to take your advice and see where I am at after my first cycle. I am excited, thanks again mate!
No advice but love your name! Sorry about your husband. I also have PTSD and severed depression. What a bitch!
No advice but love your name! Sorry about your husband. I also have PTSD and severed depression. What a bitch!

What a sweet compliment. Thank you, life has really been fucked. I can relate to all of that absolutely. I am sorry you experience these things as well.
Working out is the only routine I have, but it quiets my mind when I lift and that is something.
I'm really greatful there is a community that is like this. Nice to be able to obtain advice!
Anytime! Thats smart that your taking your time and doing research before jumping in it. Test prop is pretty powerful on women, It’s not recommend for your first cycle injecting. you would gain mass quickly on it but also comes with harsher side effects. Some you may or may not care about but like the other high androgen tests it could give you more manly features (not sure if you care) body/face hair, facial changes, deep voice, ect.. But It’s fast acting but short lived ester so its recommended to inject every day or every other day to maintain levels. That’s going to be hard for someone starting out as well to inject that often. Also, it’s known for higher injection pains so with virgin injected muscels and limited injection sites may make it difficult to see through the cycle. I see It’s more for advanced users that could use slim pins injecting in areas like the delts and quads. The good side is that if you did use it and had some bad side effects it would be out of your system quickly In a couple days.
I would still recommend primo and tbol over it where you would only need to inject primo once/twice a week. Tbol or anavar works similar so either would work as a stacking compound. It would allow you to gain mass but slower but less side effects and maintain a female figure (again unless you don’t care). Overall you should see some great results if on a mild cycle like primo and tbol. But yeah def mix it up with a meal plan to match your workout plan.
Hey I'm about to start my primo cycle and I wanted to see if anyone had advice for how much to load for the pin?
Thanks again!