New member, long time lurker


New Member

I’ve been a lurker on meso for about 3 years now, finally decided to make an account mostly to log my upcoming cycle, but that’ll be a different thread

5’5 155 manlet 19ish %bf (honestly just guessing)

Been training off and on since I was 17.
Ran my first cycle at 23 but was pretty irresponsible with it and lost most my gains. Got up to a juicy 185. Stopped lifting for a while (back down to 135 LOL) then got serious about it a year ago.

Also a pretty serious rock climber (almost 5.13s and v7s)

I’m also a recovered drug addict, so the lifestyle of lifting has become my new addiction (in my free time I pretty much just research on this forum)

that’s pretty much it. Glad to finally be a member! Very appreciate of the resources provided here