New Member Revenant checking in


New Member
Hey it's Revenant, Revy for short.
I'm getting into PED's, have been on test for 8 weeks at 500mg and it's been amazing, added boldenone and deca just a week ago or so so they haven't kicked in, but I'm here to learn and talk about the whole experience of being enhanced and how to be safe. Looking forward to knowledge and chatting with people. Currently a personal trainer and have dropped 32 lbs in 4 months thanks to test and a good diet. Gained during the cut, felt amazing. Hasta luego!
Ask me questions, especially about my stack of 420/520/620 deca/test/EQ with anavar coming in soon, I'll let you know everything about how I'm feeling, the sides/ meds I take for them
With all the stuff I do, zero sides. Also into peptides, currently researching GHK-cu